
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.1.0) of this package.

v1.1.0 2024-03-13 10:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-13 11:23:23 UTC



This package offers services to loading data from Baltyre B2B API. It maps raw JSON data to pretty DTO's (data transfer objects), that is nice e.g. for hinting properties in your IDE.


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require baltyre/b2b-client

It requires PHP version 8.0 and supports PHP up to 8.2.


You can create and configure services manualy:

use Baltyre\B2BClient\ApiConnector;
use Baltyre\B2BClient\CatalogLoader;
use Baltyre\B2BClient\PriceListLoader;
use Baltyre\B2BClient\StockLoader;

$apiKey = "<your-secrect-api-key>";
$baseUrl = "";
// for HU customers: $baseUrl = "";
// for AT customers: $baseUrl = "";

$connector = new ApiConnector($baseUrl, $apiKey);
$catalog = new CatalogLoader($connector);
$pricelist = new PriceListLoader($connector);
$stock = new StockLoader($connector);



To get all products just call:

$collection = $catalog->load();

This returns a ProductCollection that constains ProductData objects with next properties:

class ProductData
    public string $code;                        // product code (PLU if present, otherwise CDB)
    public string $cdb;                         // product CDB code
    public ?string $plu;                        // product PLU code
    public string $name;                        // product name
    public ?string $ean;                        // EAN
    public ?string $manufacturer_code;          // code from manufacturer
    public ?Manufacturer $manufacturer; 
    public ?Pattern $pattern;
    public ?ParameterCollection $parameters;    // collection that containst `Parameter` objects
    public ?CategoryCollection $categories;     // collection that containst `Category` objects
    public ?Volume $volume;
    public ?Weight $weight;

For better readability are data separated to value objects.

class Manufacturer
    public string $code;                        // manufacturer internal code
    public string $name;                        // manufacturer public name
    public ?Picture $picture;

class Pattern
    public string $name;
    public ?string $description;
    public ?string $season;
    public ?string $purpose;
    public ?Picture $picture;
    public ?PictureCollection $pictures;        // collection that containst `Picture` objects

class Parameter
    public string $code;                        // parameter internal code
    public string $name;                        // parameter public name
    public ?string $value;                      // parameter value

class Category
    public string $code;                        // category internal code
    public string $name;                        // category public name

Objects of Pattern and Manufacturer can contain pictures, which are represented by the Picture object.

class Picture
    public string $uri;

Default size of each picture is 600×600px and is provided in JPG format. If you need a picture in a different size or format, you can use the built-in method:

$resizedPicture      = $picture->withFormat(1000, 1000); 
$resizedPictureInPng = $picture->withFormat(800, 800, Picture::PNG); 


To load pricelist call:

$collection = $pricelist->load();

This returns a PriceListCollection that constains ProductPricing objects with next properties:

class ProductPricing
    public string $code;                        // product code (PLU if present, otherwise CDB)
    public string $cdb;                         // product CDB code
    public ?string $plu;                        // product PLU code
    public ?PricePolicy $price;

class PricePolicy
    public Price $sale;                         // end-customer price
    public Price $purchase;                     // your purchase (discounted) price


To load stock resources call:

$collection = $stock->load();

This returns a StockCollection that constains ProductStocks objects with next properties:

class ProductStocks
    public string $code;                        // product code (PLU if present, otherwise CDB)
    public string $cdb;                         // product CDB code
    public ?string $plu;                        // product PLU code
    public ?ResourceCollection $stock;          // collection that containst `StockResource` objects

class StockResource
    public string $code;                        // stock code
    public string $name;                        // stock name
    public int $days;                           // approximate delivery time from order confirmation 
    public int $quantity;                       // number of pcs in this stock
    public bool $moreThanQuantity;              // determines if quantity is exact or minimal