
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the baldwin/medipim-api-client package instead.

PHP client for Medipim API v3.

0.6 2021-10-25 09:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-07-14 06:18:13 UTC


This library helps you connect to and make use of the Medipim API (v3).

You aren't required to use this library to call the API, but if you are using php it should be helpful.


  • Handles authentication, just provide your API key and secret.
  • Takes care of encoding requests and decoding results.
  • Throttles your requests and automatically retries a request should you exceed the maximum request rate.
  • Neatly translates errors into exceptions.


Using composer:

$ composer require baldwin/medipim-api-v3-client

Basic usage

Instantiate the client class with your API credentials. Use get, post or stream to make requests.


use Medipim\Api\V3\MedipimApiV3Client;

require "vendor/autoload.php";

$apiKeyId = ...;
$apiKeySecret = ...;
$client = new MedipimApiV3Client($apiKeyId, $apiKeySecret);

$products = $client->post("/v3/products/search", [
    "filter" => ["updatedSince" => time() - 24*60*60]

foreach ($products["results"] as $product) {
    // ...



__construct(int $apiKeyId, string $apiKeySecret)

Creates a new client.

get(string $path, array $query): array

Performs a GET request.

$r = $client->get("/v3/apb-categories/all");
var_dump($r); // array(2) { ["meta"] => ..., ["results"] => ... }

post(string $path, array $body): array|\Iterator

Performs a simple POST request with a json body.

Note that a few POST endpoints stream their response, in that case this function returns an \Iterator over the results.

$r = $client->post("/v3/products/search", ["filter" => ["updatedSince" => strtotime("yesterday")]]);
var_dump($r); // array(2) { ["meta"] => ..., ["results"] => ... }

stream($path, array $query = [], callable $callback)

This method should be used only for the /export endpoint.

A callable should be defined to handle the data.

setBaseUrl(string $url): void

By default the client connects to ''. If you want to use the client with our sandbox server you can do so using this method.


Note that sandbox credentials are separate from our main server. Sandbox product data is wiped regularly.


extends \RuntimeException.

API errors are converted to an instance of this class and thrown.

You can use this object like an array to access any properties of the error.

try {
    $r = $client->get("/v3/foo/bar");
    // responds with {"error": {"code": "endpoint_not_found", ...}}
} catch (MedipimApiV3Error $e) {
    var_dump($e["code"]); // string(18) "endpoint_not_found"