
Laravel Crud core files

1.2.0 2024-01-14 22:27 UTC


This package contains base files that contains all boilerplate logic for creating a crud.


composer require bakle/crud-core

What's inside this package?


The url presenter encapsulate the routes that are generated in Route::resource('users, UserController::class)

For one model

class UserUrlPresenter extends BaseUrlPresenter

    function getRouteName(): string
        return 'users';

// --- Examples ---

// Url presenter for routes that doesn't depend on a specific model (index, create)
$userUrlPresenter = new UserUrlPresenter();
$userUrlPresenter->index(); // --> /users
$userUrlPresenter->create(); // --> /users/create
$userUrlPresenter->store(); // --> /users (for post method)

// Url presenter for routes that depend on a specific model (show, edit, update, delete )
$user = User::first();
$userUrlPresenter = new UserUrlPresenter($user);
$userUrlPresenter->index(); // --> /users
$userUrlPresenter->show(); // --> /users/1
$userUrlPresenter->create(); // --> /users/create
$userUrlPresenter->store(); // --> /users (for post method)
$userUrlPresenter->edit(); // --> /users/1/edit
$userUrlPresenter->update(); // --> /users/1
$userUrlPresenter->destroy(); // --> /users/1

For related models

class UserPostCommentUrlPresenter extends BaseUrlPresenter

    function getRouteName(): string
        return 'users.posts.comments';

class Post extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model

    public function getRouteKeyName(): string
        return 'slug';

// Example

$user = User::first();
$post = Post::first();
$comment = Comment::first();

$urlPresenter = new UserPostCommentUrlPresenter($user, $post, $comment);
$userUrlPresenter->index(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments
$userUrlPresenter->show(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments/1
$userUrlPresenter->create(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments/create
$userUrlPresenter->store(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments (for post method)
$userUrlPresenter->edit(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments/1/edit
$userUrlPresenter->update(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments/1
$userUrlPresenter->destroy(); // --> /users/1/posts/the-post-slug/comments/1


An entity is an extra layer that wraps your model to add extra logic. The BaseEntity only require a url() method to be implemented

class UserEntity extends BaseEntity

    public function url(): ?BaseUrlPresenter
        return new UserUrlPresenter($this->model);
    ... // more methods

// Example single model
$user = User::first();
$userEntity = new UserEntity($user);

$user->entity->getCreatedAtDayDateFormat(); // Sat, Oct 7, 2023

// Example multiple model
$users = User::all();
$userEntities = UserEntity::collection($users);

$userEntities->first()->url()->show() // /users/1

View Models

View models encapsulates all the logic and data that you need to send to your views.


This view model send to the view the following data:

  • entities: A collection of the entities of the model defined in the IndexViewModel (i.e: UserEntity)
  • pagination: Because now you receive a collection of entities and not models, this is the same as doing $users->links. now you can do:
    <div class="flex w-full mt-4 justify-end">
      {!! $pagination !!}
  • title:: This is just the string you return in the getTitle() method. It's useful in your index to add it in your blade like this:
    <h1 class="text-2xl">{{ $title }}</h1>


class UserIndexViewModel extends BaseIndexViewModel
    public function getTitle(): string
        return trans('Users');

    public function getEntityClass(): string
        return UserEntity::class;

// In the UserController
class UserController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request): View
        $users = User::query()->with('roles');
        return view('users.index',
            (new UserIndexViewModel($users, $request))->build()


This view model send to the view the following data:

  • entity: A single entity of the model defined in the ShowViewModel (i.e: UserEntity)


class UserShowViewModel extends BaseShowViewModel
    public function getTitle(): string
        return trans('User');

    public function getEntityClass(): string
        return UserEntity::class;

    protected function getExtraData(): array
        return [
            'title' => $this->getTitle()

// In your UserController
class UserController extends Controller
    public function show(User $user)
        return view('', (new UserShowViewModel($user))->build());


This view model send to the view the following data:

  • entity: A single entity of the model defined in the ShowViewModel (i.e: UserEntity)
  • form: This contains the url for submitting the form, the method type (POST or PUT) and some other helper methods. It's useful to use it in your forms like this:
    <form method="POST" action="{{ $form->getUrl() }}">
    //...your fields

    <button class="btn btn-primary">
            {{ trans('Update') }}
            {{ trans('Create') }}
  • title:: This will resolve automatically the title based on the method type. For example if you use ->setFormType(FormTypes::CREATE), the title will be Create user, if it's ->setFormType(FormTypes::EDIT), the title will be Edit User. You can use it like this:
    <h1 class="text-2xl">{{ $title }}</h1>


class UserFormViewModel extends BaseFormViewModel

    protected function getEntityClass(): string
        return UserEntity::class;

    protected function getExtraData(): array
        return [
            'roles' => Role::query()->get();

// In your UserController

class UserController extends Controller

    public function create(): View
        return view('users.form',
            (new UserFormViewModel(new User()))->setFormType(FormTypes::CREATE)->build()
    public function edit(User $user): View
        return view('users.form',
            (new UserFormViewModel($user))->setFormType(FormTypes::EDIT)->build()

All ViewModel includes a method getExtraData() where you can return an array of extra data you need to send to the view.