
This is the main package that collects the other packages in this family to perform fully.

v5.0.1 2023-02-22 17:19 UTC


This is the main package that collects the other packages in this family to perform fully.


It should be production-ready but hasn't been tested enough. You should use it carefully since this package will manipulate your files and folders. Always use a version-control.

v4 Update

Everything on this package has been extracted to a separate package named "Build Repository." So this package contains only a composer.json to load other packages in the bundle and a service provider that doesn't do anything.


sail composer require bakgul/packagified-laravel --dev

Next, you need to publish the settings by executing the following command. By doing so, you will have a new file named packagify.php on the config folder. If you check the "files" array, you can see the file types that can be created. Quite deep explanations are provided in the comment block of the files array.

sail artisan packagify:publish-config

After publishing stubs, you will be able to update the stub files as you need. It's safe to delete the unedited files.

sail artisan packagify:publish-stub

How to Start


You should use this command only in a freshly installed Laravel app. This command will wipe out some folders, and you will probably lose your previous codes.

Before you call it, make sure you set repository type properly. After publishing the settings, go to config/packagify.php and check for essential settings. After you make the changes, run the command down below.

sail artisan build-pl


This command accepts no argument.


This command accepts no option.