
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Simple Yii2 extension for custom S3 filesystem

0.0.2 2020-05-03 03:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-09-19 05:17:22 UTC


Simple extension for custom S3 filesystem with basic functionality : read, write, delete.
This extension use Flysystem as core filesystem.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ composer require bahirul/yii2-simple-s3

or add

"bahirul/yii2-simple-s3": "^0.0.2"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Configure application components as follows

return [
    'components' => [
        's3' => [
            'class' => 'bahirul\yii2\SimpleS3',
            'endpoint' => 'YOUR_S3_URL',
            'key'    => 'YOUR_S3_KEY',
            'secret' => 'YOUR_S3_SECRET',
            'bucket' => 'YOUR_S3_BUCKET',
            //'region' => 'YOUR_S3_REGION', // Optional
            //'version' => 'YOUR_S3_VERSION', // Optional


Read file from S3

readFile() method will return array with key 'stream' and 'mimetype'.

send as response in controller

// s3 custom init
$s3 = Yii::$app->s3;

// your requested file
$fileRequest = 'example_file_image.jpg';

// read file on S3
$readFile = $s3->readFile($fileRequest);

// init web response
$response = Yii::$app->response;
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', $readFile['mimetype']);
$response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_RAW;
$response->stream = $readFile['stream'];

return $response->send();

or send as file in controller

// s3 custom init
$s3 = Yii::$app->s3;

// your requested file
$fileRequest = 'example_file_image.jpg';

// read file on S3
$readFile = $s3->readFile($fileRequest);

// init web response
$response = Yii::$app->response;

return $response->sendStreamAsFile($readFile['stream'], $fileRequest ,['mimeType' => $readFile['mimetype']]);

Write file to S3

writeFile() method will return boolean.

write (upload) usage on controller

// your file upload instance
$fileModel = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'attributeName');

$s3 = Yii::$app->s3;

// generate random filename
$filename = time() . '.jpg';

if($model->load($post) && $model->validate()){
    // upload file to s3
    $s3->writeFile($fileModel, $filename);

Delete file on S3

deleteFile() method will return boolean.

delete usage on controller

$s3 = Yii::$app->s3;

$fileRequest = 'example_file_image.jpg';
