
Admin panel skeleton.

3.0.2 2022-02-10 03:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 09:23:16 UTC


A admin panel skeleton template. Comes with 4 built-in menus and javascript to handle opening and closing of menus.

Getting Started

Using Composer

$ composer require bag/admin-panel-skeleton

Cloning the Repo

To get started clone this repo somewhere in your project.

$ git clone

Customizing the CSS

AdminSkeleton uses SASS, to customize the look and feel just override any of the settings found in css/src/_setup.scss and include the main.scss file found in the same directory.

// file: admin-skeleton.scss

// Make the header background color white
$skeleton-color-headerBackground: #fff;
// Make the menu toggles semi-transparent black
$skeleton-color-headerMenuActionFocusBackground: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

@import 'path-to-adminskeleton/css/src/main.scss';

Then build the final css.

$ sass admin-skeleton.scss:admin-skeleton.css

Setting up Your HTML

Include the skeleton's CSS file or include it in your build.

<link href="/adminskeleton/css/main.min.scss" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

Include the javascript.

<script src="/adminskeleton/js/vendor/bglib.min.js"></script>
<script src="/adminskeleton/js/skeleton.min.js"></script>

AdminSkeleton also includes require js copies of the javascript skeleton-requirejs.js and skeleton-requirejs.min.js

I plan to bundle a custom build of bglib into it to make it a single javascript file.

Rendering in PHP

If you installed the admin panel skeleton via Composer you will just need to call the static render method on the AdminPanelSkeleton class.

use BAG\AdminPanelSkeleton\AdminPanelSkeleton;
$data = [
	// AdminSkeleton's configuration options
echo AdminPanelSkeleton::render($data);

If you installed the admin panel by either downloading a zip file or cloning the repo you need to render the php/skeleton.html.php template file manually or include the class file manually. You will also need to have a $data variable set in the current context with an associative array containing the templates configuration options.

/* Include the template directly */
$data = [
	// AdminSkeleton's configuration options
include 'path-to-adminskeleton/php/skeleton.html.php';

/* Include the class and use the built in render method */
require_once 'path-to-adminskeleton/src/AdminPanelSkeleton.php';
use BAG\AdminPanelSkeleton\AdminPanelSkeleton;
$data = [
	// AdminSkeleton's configuration options
echo AdminPanelSkeleton::render($data);

If the $data variable conflicts with one in your project you can wrap everything up in a function.

function renderAdminSkeleton($data) {
	include 'path-to-adminskeleton/php/skeleton.html.php';	
	// AdminSkeleton's configuration options

// or as a closure
$renderAdminSkeleton = function($data) {
	include 'path-to-adminskeleton/php/skeleton.html.php';	
	// AdminSkeleton's configuration options

Template Configuration Options

* Menus

  • name - the menu name
  • links - the menu links
    • text
    • url
    • urlNewWindow
    • icon
    • image
    • active
    • specialContent
    • toggle
    • links
  • toggleIcon - svg toggle icon

+ Content

  • page
  • header
  • headerMenu
  • mainMenu
  • sideMenu
  • appMenu
  • topToolbar
  • bottomToolbar

Sass Variable Reference

$skeleton-breakpoint-sm: 38em !default;
$skeleton-breakpoint-md: 46em !default;
$skeleton-headerSmHeight: 40px !default;
$skeleton-headerMdHeight: 50px !default;
$skeleton-pageMenuTiming: 0.4s !default;
$skeleton-color-headerBackground: #00AAE4 !default;
$skeleton-color-headerColor: #fff !default;
$skeleton-color-headerMenuActionColor: $skeleton-color-headerColor !default;
$skeleton-color-headerMenuActionFocusColor: null !default;
$skeleton-color-headerMenuActionFocusBackground: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) !default;
$skeleton-color-headerMemberColor: $skeleton-color-headerColor !default; //--unused
$skeleton-color-headerMemberFocusColor: null !default; //--unused
$skeleton-color-headerBrandingColor: null !default;
$skeleton-color-headerLogoutHover: #FFCDD2 !default;
$skeleton-color-pageBackground: #fff !default;
$skeleton-color-pageColor: #222 !default;
$skeleton-font-base: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif !default;
$skeleton-font-heading:  "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif !default;
$skeleton-font-nav: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif !default;
$skeleton-font-map: (
	base: $skeleton-font-base
	,heading: $skeleton-font-heading
	,nav: $skeleton-font-nav

$skeleton-widget-adminNav-menuLinkColor: #000 !default;
$skeleton-widget-adminNav-menuLinkBackground: null !default;
$skeleton-widget-adminNav-menuLinkFocusColor: null !default;
$skeleton-widget-adminNav-menuLinkFocusBackground: #ccc !default;
$skeleton-widget-adminNav-menuLinkFocusBorder: #aaa !default;