
Filesystem chroot abstraction - copy, move, delete, list - relative to the defined root dir.

v0.9.3 2019-06-10 15:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 03:19:45 UTC


A filesystem chroot. Initialized with an existing directory path as a root dir. Most of the methods operate on paths, relative to the root dir, passed to the constructor.

The class contains functions for path normalization, copy, move, delete, list, etc. The method names and behavior are inspired by the corresponding UNIX commands - cp, mv, rm, ls, rmdir, find.

Method reference

public function __construct(string $rootDir = '/')

The $rootDir parameter must be an existing directory, relative to the default root directory for the class.

For example:

  • class default: "/a/b/c/d", $rootDir: "/x/y" or "x/y", the root dir for the object will be "/a/b/c/d/x/y".

  • class default: "/a/b/c/d", $rootDir: "../../x/y", the root dir for the object will be "/a/b/x/y".

public static function setDefaultRoot(string $rootDir): bool

Sets the default root directory for the entire class. Initially it is "/" - the filesystem root. Can be changed only once - preferably before the first use of the class. Returns true on successful change (the first invocation with existing, non-'/' path), false otherwise.

Intended use - set the default at the document root dir, then instantiate with something like

$imgRoot = new ...\Chroot('/images')


$tplRoot = new ...\Chroot('/templates'),


public static function getDefaultRoot(): string

Returns the default root directory for the class.

public function getRootDir(): string

Returns the root directory for the particular instance.

public function getUmask(): int

Returns the umask, used for mkdir() mode parameter. The mode is calculated as 0777 & ~umask.

public function setUmask(int $umask): self

Sets the umask. Returns the instance.

public static function normalizePath(string $path, string $relTo = '/'): ?string

Normalizes the $path to absolute path. If $path does not start with '/', it's taken as a relative to the $relTo path.

The path does not need to be existing.

If the path can't be normalized (too many '..'), returns null.

public function realpath(string $sitePath): ?string

Normalizes the $sitePath to absolute path, starting from the instance root. If $sitePath does not start with '/', it's taken as a relative to the instance's Current Working Directory (CWD).

If the path can't be normalized (too many '..'), returns null.

public function __invoke(string $sitePath): ?string

A shorthand for ->syspath(), to save typing.

public function syspath(string $sitePath): ?string

Maps a path, relative to the instance, to a filesystem path. Eg.:

instance root: "/a/b/c", instance path: "/x/y" -> "/a/b/c/x/y"

If the $sitePath can't be normalized as local one, returns null.

public function __toString()

Returns the instance root concatenated with the instance CWD, so the object can be used in a string interpolation, like:

$imgRoot = new ...\Chroot('/images');   // root = '/srv/doc/root/images'
$imgRoot->cd('big');                    // CWD = '/big'; (string)$imgRoot == '/srv/doc/root/images/big'
$imgFile = 'xxx.jpg';
doSomething("$imgRoot/$imgFile");       // "$imgRoot/$imgFile" == '/srv/doc/root/images/big/xxx.jpg'

public function sitepath(string $sysPath): ?string

The opposite of ->syspath(...). Maps a filesystem path to a local one, as long as the system one is inside the instance root. Returns null otherwise.

Eg.: root: "/a/b/c", $sysPath: "/a/b/c/d/e" -> "/d/e"

public function isFile(string $sitePath): bool

Checks if $sitePath is a file.

public function isDir(string $sitePath): bool

Checks if $sitePath is a directory.

public function cd(string $sitePath): bool

Changes the instance's CWD. Returns true on success, false if the $sitePath can't be normalized.

public function pwd(): string

Returns the instance's CWD.

public function ls(string $glob = '*'): array

Returns a list of the paths, matching the $glob, relative to CWD.

public function find(string $glob = '*', string $dir = '.'): array

A recursive ->ls(...), relative to the CWD or $dir.

public function cp(string $siteSrc, string $siteDst, bool $overwrite = false): bool

Copy a file/directory. If $siteDst ends with '/', it is taken as the dirname(...) of the destination, and the basename(...) is the basename(...) of the source. Eg.:

  • SRC: "/dir111/file111", DST: "/dir222/file222" -> "/dir111/file111" is copied as "/dir222/file222"

  • SRC: "/dir111/file111", DST: "/dir222/" -> "/dir111/file111" is copied as "/dir222/file111"

If the destination exists, the copy fails, unless $overwrite is true.

public function mv(string $siteSrc, string $siteDst, bool $overwrite = false): bool

Move a file/directory. If $siteDst ends with '/', it is taken as the dirname(...) of the destination, and the basename(...) is the basename(...) of the source. Eg.:

  • SRC: "/dir111/file111", DST: "/dir222/file222" -> "/dir111/file111" is moved as "/dir222/file222"

  • SRC: "/dir111/file111", DST: "/dir222/" -> "/dir111/file111" is moved as "/dir222/file111"

If the destination exists, the move fails, unless $overwrite is true.

public function rm(string $sitePath, bool $rf = false): bool

Delete a path. If $rf is true, delete directories recursively, like the UNIX's rm -rf .... Returns true on success, false otherwise.

public function mkdir(string $sitePath, bool $mkpath = false): bool

Creates a subdirectory. If $mkpath is true, can create multiple levels, like the UNIX's mkdir -p ....

public function rmdir(string $sitePath, bool $recursive = false): bool

Removes a directory. Fails if directory is non-empty, unless $recursive is true, for recursive removal. With $recursive: true, acts like ->rm(...) with $rf: true.

public static function rCopy(string $fsSrc, string $fsDst, bool $overwrite = false): bool

Recursive copy. The arguments filesystem paths, not local ones.

public static function rRemove(string $fsPath): bool

Recursive delete. The arguments filesystem paths, not local ones.

public static function rGlob(string $pattern = '*', string $dir = '.'): array

Recursive glob(). The arguments filesystem paths, not local ones.