
A linux-crontab command style ticker libriary in php.




Installs: 2

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


v1.0 2016-03-10 05:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 10:33:10 UTC


This is a php class implement a timetable service using format string like linux crontab, dependence on swoole-extension.

Thanks to the project swoole-crontab, I learned how to analyze the crontab string.

DICrontab is not the same as swoole-crontab, that's a complete application, and DICrontab is just like a tool, a simple library, a class, you can inclued it and use is in your project.

Quick start

include './CrontabTicker.php';

$crontab = new \DIServer\Ticker\CrontabTicker();
$crontab->When('0 */20 * * *')
	->Then(function ($userParams)
		echo 'crontab called';
		return false;//return false if you want to cancle this cron.
        }, $userParams
//The callback function will be called every 20 minitues.

If you just want to test when will the ticker tick next time Use the Next() function instead, Next() will return the Iterator of the time table. Also you can use From(startTime) to asume the cron start at what time you need instead of time().

$iterator = $crontab->When('* */20 * * *')
		//->From( mktime(14, 00, 00, 3, 3, 2016) )//Optional

$count = 0;//only print next 10 cron.
foreach($nextTickTime in $iterator)
	if($count++ < 10)
		echo $nextTickTime;
//Simple of crontab-string
//$crontabString :
//	 *                       0     1    2    3    4    5
//	 *                       *     *    *    *    *    *
//	 *                       -     -    -    -    -    -
//	 *                       |     |    |    |    |    |
//	 *                       |     |    |    |    |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
//	 *                       |     |    |    |    +----- month (1 - 12)
//	 *                       |     |    |    +------- day of month (1 - 31)
//	 *                       |     |    +--------- hour (0 - 23)
//	 *                       |     +----------- min (0 - 59)
//	 *                       +------------- sec (0-59) (Optional)
//You can use 5 params like what crontab use in Linux, and use the 6th param as to descript the SECONDS.


  • My develop enverment is CentOS 7.
  • PHP 7.0.3
  • Swoole-extension 1.8.3
  • I think php5.5+ and swoole 1.7.7+ is Ok, but I can't test it.
  • I used swoole_timer_after, so must at least swoole-1.7.7.
  • It also used keyword 'yield' in php, so 5.5+ is required.


As this class is base on swoole_timer_after, please notes below while using in swoole_server or asyns-swoole-client:

  1. If the Process was reloaded, the cron tick will be deleted, so if you want add an resident crontab, please record your cron-string and init the ticker on process start, some swoole callback like 'OnWorkerStart', cause the cron-string descripted the timetable, don't worry about lose the ticker, just set a new one.

  2. If you want to do something like send 1 message to every user, please notice that every Process can has its own tiker, if you add the tick in OnWorkerStart, asume you have 2 Worker Process and 4 TaskWorker Process and you set the ticker on every worker start, you will have 6 ticker and callback at same time, every client will receive 6 message. So, just use something like "if($server->worker_id==0)" to add only one ticker.


While working my on swoole-framework DIServer-framwork, I find is not easy to implement some timer job like send a message to every clients on every Monday to Friday, swoole_tick provides a high accuracy tick service, but only can tick every same micro-seconds or tick atfer some micro-seconds from now.

What I need is something like crontab in Linux, using a format string can easily like "0 0 * * mon-fri", and the callback function will called while time's up.

At first I just want to use it as a plugins in DIServer-framwork, but after I finished it I find out it's a independent job, so I create this project.


As the high accuracy provieded from swoole-extension, not like Linux-crontab, we can set up HIGH LEVEL cron like "*/20 0 0 * * fri", while using 6 params, the format will be "second minute hour day month week"; As 5 params is "minute hour day month week", and it will called on second 1 in that minute like linux-crontab.


Here is some example I used to test the Ticker, if you find any bugs, please notes me.

private $cronString = [
		'* */1 * 3 3 *'          => 'every seconds in Mar 3th.',
		'30 30 21 * * *'         => '21:30:30 on every day.',
		'15,30,45,0 * 23 * * 6'  => 'every 0,15,30,45 seconds in 23 every Saturday.',
		'0 0 */1 * * *'          => 'every hour at 0 minute and 0 seconds.',
		'0 0 4 1 jan *'          => 'every 4:00:00 at January 1st.',
		'* * 7 * * *'            => 'every seconds in 7 o'clock every day.',
		'0-59/2 20 0-23/2 * * *' => 'every 2 seconds in every 20 minutes at every 2 hours in a day.',
		'0 6-12/3 * 2 *'         => 'In February, every 3 hours in 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock.',
		'0 17 * * 1-5'           => 'every 17:00:01 on Monday to Friday.',
		'0 11 4 * mon-wed'       => 'Every 11:00:01 on 4th of a month or in Monday to Wednesday',
		'10 1 * * 6,0'           => 'every 1:10:01 on Saturday and Sunday',
		'45 4 1,10,22 * *'       => '4:45:01 on every 1st,10th,22th in a month.',
		'0,30 18-23 * * *'       => 'every 0,30 minutes in 18-23. Tips:23:30 will called.',
		'*/1 * * * * *'          => 'every seconds',
		'* * * * * *'            => 'every seconds',
		'0 23-7/1 * * *'         => 'equals to "0 23,0-7 * * *"',


While using Month or Week, you can use 'fri' instead of '5' means the friday, the shorthand support was listed below:

//Case is ignored
const SHORT_MAP = [
		'sun'       => 0,
		'sunday'    => 0,
		'mon'       => 1,
		'monday'    => 1,
		'tues'      => 2,
		'tue'       => 2,
		'tuesday'   => 2,
		'wed'       => 3,
		'wednesday' => 3,
		'thur'      => 4,
		'thu'       => 4,
		'thursday'  => 4,
		'fri'       => 5,
		'friday'    => 5,
		'sat'       => 6,
		'saturday'  => 6,
		'jan'       => 1,
		'january'   => 1,
		'feb'       => 2,
		'february'  => 2,
		'mar'       => 3,
		'march'     => 4,
		'apr'       => 4,
		'april'     => 4,
		'may'       => 5,
		'jun'       => 6,
		'june'      => 6,
		'jul'       => 7,
		'july'      => 7,
		'aug'       => 8,
		'august'    => 8,
		'sep'       => 9,
		'sept'      => 9,
		'september' => 9,
		'oct'       => 10,
		'october'   => 10,
		'nov'       => 11,
		'november'  => 11,
		'dec'       => 12,
		'december'  => 12