
Replace placeholders with proper data

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2016-06-06 08:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 08:50:33 UTC


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Simple placeholder parser

Parser replaces specific placeholders with proper data.

Basic usage

Let's take a look at the simplest possible example:

$parser = new Parser;
$string = "Hello {{name}}!";
$parser->parse($string, ['name' => 'Nikola Tesla']); //returns: Hello Nikola Tesla!

Of course you may use object instead of primitive array

$parser = new Parser;

$customer = new Customer;
$customer->name = 'Nikola Tesla';

$string = "Hello {{customer.name}}!";
$parser->parse($string, ['customer' => $customer]); //returns: Hello Nikola Tesla!

Parser is smart enough to access private properties using getters.

It also supports nested objects as well

$parser = new Parser;

$customer = new Customer;
$address = new Address('Green Alley', 12, 'London', 'LN4 4GD', 'United Kingdom');

$string = "{{customer.address.street}}";
$parser->parse($string, ['customer' => $customer]); //returns: Green Alley

Nested array are also welcome

$parser = new Parser();
$data = ['user' =>  ['supervisor' => ['name' => 'Harry']]];
$parser->parse('Hi {{user.supervisor.name}}!', $data); //returns: Hi Harry!

Use custom embrace string

By default Parser uses "{{" as open string and "}}" as close string. You can set your own embrace strings using method

$parser = new Parser();
$parser->setEmbraceStrings("*", "*");
$parser->parse("All *fruit* are *color*.", ["fruit" => "oranges", "color" => "orange"]);
//returns "All oranges are orange."

or using constructor

$parser = new Parser("", "*", "*");

Note, embrace strings can not contains # char.


Sometimes you need to use additional formatting for specific objects. The great example is DateTime. The best way to achieve this goal is use adapter pattern (or decorator) for your object. The parser shouldnt be able to do that for you.