
Eloquent model generation from the database.

8.0.0 2025-03-26 11:44 UTC


Generates Eloquent models and relations (belongs to, has many, has one) using DB schema.


Install the package with Composer:

composer require axn/laravel-models-generator

In Laravel 5.5 the service provider will automatically get registered. In older versions of the framework just add the service provider to the array of providers in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // ...

Publish config and templates (stubs) if needed using these commands:

// config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=models-generator.config

// stubs
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=models-generator.stubs

Config is published in config/models-generator.php Templates are published in resources/stubs/vendor/models-generator/

Modify config options and templates contents if needed.


Simply launch this command:

php artisan models:generate

Options :

  • --table (ou -t) : if you want to generate only certain tables. To select many tables, you can do: -t table1 -t table2 -t ...
  • --preview (ou -p) : if you want to only display information messages about actions that will be done by the generator but without touching files.

Naming convention

  • Model: table name in singular and studly case (cf config "singular_rules" if singularization is not done correctly).
  • "has many" relation: name of the related table (plural), in camel case.
  • "has one" relation: name of the related table (singular), in camel case
  • "belongs to" relation: foreign key name (without "_id" or "id_"), in camel case.

Other details:

  • "has many" relation: the relation name is simply the model name in camel case, so the model name should be in plural.
  • "has many" and "has one" relations: if the foreign key name is not standard, a precision is concatenated to the relation name like "Via{nomFK}".


// "comments" table
class Comment extends Model
    // "belongs to" relation to "users" via "user_id"
    public function user() {}

    // "belongs to" relation to "users" via "updator_id"
    public function updator() {}

// "users" table
class User extends Model
    // "has many" relation to "comments" via "user_id"
    public function comments() {}

    // "has many" relation to "comments" via "updator_id"
    public function commentsViaUpdatorId() {}