
Sitemap support SilverStripe

Installs: 319

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Stars: 1

Watchers: 3

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 0


1.0.2 2017-12-14 01:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 22:41:07 UTC


This extension adds sitemap functionality to your SilverStripe website. It is heavily based on googlesitemaps, however does things a little differently, adding in support for basic custom filters when adding DataObjects, and removing some CMS integration, pagination of results, and JavaScript support. The sitemap is hard-coded to have a maximum of 1000 dataobjects per sitemap (due to memory use), and will automatically split your sitemaps into multiple if there are more.


  • SilverStripe 3.0+


composer require axllent/silverstripe-sitemap

Basic usage

Simply install the module. To check the sitemap is working, go to By default it will add your SiteTree pages (with "show in search" enabled), however you can also optionally add DataObjects provided they are mapped to URLs.

Specifying the Sitemap location in your robots.txt file


Adding DataObjects

DataObjects can easily be added too, assuming of course that those DataObjects have unique URLs on your site. DatObjects must either have a Link() function, or alternatively have a SitemapAbsoluteURL() function (which will override Link()). The SitemapAbsoluteURL() function must return an absolute URL, Link() will get automatically converted.

To add a DataObject to your sitemap you can simply add the following to your mysite/_config.php:


Additional options are available:

Sitemap::register_dataobject('MyDataObject', array(
	'filter' => array('ShowOnWeb' => 1),
	'where' => '"ExpiryDate" >= \'' . date('Y-m-d') . '\' OR "ExpiryDate" IS NULL',
	'exclude' => array('StockLevel' => 0),
	'filterByCallback' => function($dataobject, $list) {return $dataobject->canView();}
	'frequency' => 'weekly', // always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never
	'priority' => 0.5 // Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0

Google Notifications

Publishing & unpublishing of SiteTree pages can automatically send a "ping" to Google. Please note that this is turned off by default and does not apply to saving of DataObjects. Also note that you must have registered your sitemap with Google's webmaster tools first.

To enable change notifications to Google:
