
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This plugin introduces to symfony 1.x a new route class that uses curly braces in pattern just like Symfony2 routes

1.0.0 2013-09-06 12:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-04-03 16:02:15 UTC


This plugin introduces to symfony 1.x a new route class that uses curly braces in pattern just like Symfony2 routes.


Use Composer. Just add this dependency to your composer.json:

  "require": {
    "axis/axis-curly-routing-plugin": "dev-master"


Now you can use Curly routes. Just declare routes in your routing.yml files with CurlyRoute class specified:

  url: /hello/{name}
  param: { module: test, action: sayHello }
  class: CurlyRoute

That's all. You can reference this route as you usually do with any symfony route.

For generating URLs:

<?php echo url_for('curly_route', array('name' => 'world')) ?>

For routing requests to controller:

class testActions extends sfActions
  public function executeSayHello($request)
    return $this->renderText('Hello, ' . $request['name']);


Yeah. There is some new cool things you can do with this routes.

Hierarchical URLs

One of the main reasons of implementing this routes was the ability to use path variables in routes. For example you want to use something like hierarchical structure in your urls:

You could do this with default symfony routing:

  url: /:path/:filename.:sf_format
  param: { ... }
    path: .*

This works well routing requests from /my/assets/path/image.png to defined controller. But when you need to generate url for that path you'll get this: /my%2Fassets%2Fpath/image.png.

Curly routes enable you to use them for this kind of tasks.

  url: /{path}/{filename}.{sf_format}
  param: { ... }
  class: CurlyRoute
    path: .*
    sf_format: \w+

Variables delimited by any symbols

  # you cannot use path like '/blog/:slug-:id.html' using default symfony routes
  url: /blog/{slug}-{id}.html
  param: { ... }
  class: CurlyRoute
    slug: .+
    id:   \d+

Propel Object route on steroids

You can handle propel object requests using CurlyObjectRoute just like you did it with sfPropelRoute.

  url: /blog/{slug}-{id}.html
  param: { ... }
  class: CurlyObjectRoute
    model: BlogPost
    query_methods: [ filterPublished ]
    # Note: there is no 'type' option because CurlyObjectRoute
    #   doesn't support collection routes for now.
    slug: .+
    id:   \d+

And you can use this like you did with sfPropelRoute. For generating URLs:

<?php echo url_for('blog_post', $post) ?>


<?php echo url_for('blog_post', array('id' => $post->getId(), 'slug' => $post->getSlug())) ?>

and for retrieving object from controller:

class blogActions extends sfActions
  public function executeShowPost($request)
    $post = $this->getRoute()->getObject();


Sometimes you need to use object properties plus some other variables in your URLs. Now you can use CurlyObjectRoute to handle this just defining namespace:

  url: /{username}blog/{post.slug}-{}.html
  param: { ... }
  class: CurlyObjectRoute
    model: BlogPost
    query_methods: [ filterPublished ]
    namespace: post # Note this option
    username: \w+
    post.slug: .+   \d+

And usage. For generating URLs:

<?php echo url_for('blog_post', array('post' => $post, 'username' => 'anonymous')) ?>


<?php echo url_for('blog_post', array(
    '' => $post->getId(),
    'post.slug' => $post->getSlug(),
    'username' => 'anonymous'
  )) ?>


<?php echo url_for('blog_post', array(
    'post' => array(
        'id' => $post->getId(),
        'slug' => $post->getSlug()
    'username' => 'anonymous'
  )) ?>

and for retrieving object from controller:

class blogActions extends sfActions
  public function executeShowPost($request)
    $post = $this->getRoute()->getObject('post');

Multiple objects per route

Also you can use more than one object in your routes.

  url: /shop/{category.path}/{product.slug}-{}.html
  param: { ... }
  class: CurlyObjectRoute
        model: Product
        query_methods: [ filterPublished, filterInStock ]
      # or you can use short syntax if there is only model option for a namespace
      category: Category
    slug: .+
    id:   \d+

And usage. For generating URLs:

<?php echo url_for('show_product', array('category' => $category, 'product' => $product)) ?>

and for retrieving object from controller:

class shopActions extends sfActions
  public function executeShowProduct($request)
    /** @var $category Category */
    $category = $this->getRoute()->getObject('category');
    /** @var $product Product */
    $product = $this->getRoute()->getObject('product');

Note: To use CurlyObjectRoute you should upgrade your project to use Propel 1.6 by installing PropelORMPlugin.

Extending Curly Routes

You can use any custom parameters converters with CurlyRoutes. Define them using transform option:

  url: /say/{weird_word}
  class: CurlyRoute
        class: myProjectWeirdRouteVarTransformer
        # ... any other options
    # or short syntax
    # transform: myProjectWeirdRouteVarTransformer

To implement custom parameter transformer in your project create a class that implements \Axis\S1\CurlyRouting\Transformer\DataTransformerInterface.

class myProjectWeirdRouteVarTransformer implements \Axis\S1\CurlyRouting\Transformer\DataTransformerInterface
  public function transformForUrl($params, $variables, $options = array())
    $params['weird_word'] = 'foo'.$params['word'].'bar'
    return $params;

  public function transformForController($params, $variables, $options = array())
    $weird = $params['weird_word'];
    if (substr($weird, 0, 3) == 'foo') $weird = substr($weird, 3);
    if (substr($weird, -3) == 'bar') $weird = substr($weird, 0, -3);

    $params['word'] = $weird;
    return $params;

This transformer takes an array of parameters on input and returns a resulting array of parameters to be used by route.

The result of transformForUrl method will be used when you generate an URL:

This code:
<?php echo url_for('weird_route', array('word' => 'hello')) ?>
will output:

On the other hand by navigating to that url (/say/foohellobar) the route will fetch weird_word variable with the value set to foohellobar. Than it will be passed through all your route's defined data transformers and you'll get the transformed variables in your request and controller:

class weirdActions extends sfActions
  public function executeSay($request)
    $this->renderText($request['word']); // this will output 'hello'

You can do a lot of cool stuff using custom transformers without the need to implement custom routes. By the way, CurlyObjectRoute uses transformers to handle object requests. Look at that class to find more about params transformers. You can chain them and reuse already implemented code.

Sounds fantastic isn't it?