awsm3 / yii2-repository
Repository implementation in Yii2
- yiisoft/yii2: *
- yiisoft/yii2-mongodb: Needed if you want to use MongoDB as your dbms instead of relational dbms
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-02 05:29:01 UTC
Yii2 Repository Pattern implementation for Yii2
You can read more about repository patterns here:
Table of Contents
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require --prefer-dist awsm3/yii2-repository "1.*"
or add
"awsm3/yii2-repository": "1.*"
to the require section of your composer.json
public function with(array $with = []); public function columns(array $columns = ['*']); public function limit($limit = 10); public function orderBy($orderBy, $sort = 'DESC'); public function makeModel(); public function create(array $data); public function createMany(array $data); public function createByScenario(array $data, string $scenario = 'default'); public function createWithoutValidation(array $data); public function findOneById($id, $returnArray = false); public function findOneBy($key, $value, $operation = '=', $returnArray = false); public function findManyBy($key, $value, $operation = '=', $withPagination = true, $returnArray = false); public function findManyByIds(array $ids, $withPagination = true, $returnArray = false); public function findAll($withPagination = true, $returnArray = false); public function findOneByCriteria(array $criteria = [], array $with = [], bool $returnArray = false); public function findManyByCriteria(array $criteria = [], $withPagination = true, $with = [], $returnArray = false); public function updateOneById($id, array $data = []); public function updateOneBy($key, $value, array $data = []); public function updateOneByCriteria(array $criteria, array $data = []); public function updateManyBy($key, $value, array $data = [], $operation = '='); public function updateManyByCriteria(array $criteria = [], array $data = []); public function updateManyByIds(array $ids, array $data = []); public function allExist(array $ids); public function deleteOneBy($key, $value, $operation = '='); public function deleteOneByCriteria(array $criteria = []); public function deleteManyBy($key, $value, $operation = '='); public function deleteManyByCriteria(array $criteria = []); public function searchByCriteria(); public function deleteManyByIds(array $ids); public function inc($id, $field, $count = 1); public function dec($id, $field, $count = 1);
Create a Model
create your ActiveRecord Model :
namespace app\models; use yii\db\ActiveRecord; /** * Class City * @package app\models */ class Post extends ActiveRecord { /** * @return string */ public static function tableName() { return 'posts'; } /** * @return array */ public function rules() { return [ [['title'], 'required'], ]; } }
Create a Repository Interface
namespace app\repositories\interfaces; use Awsm3\Yii2Repository\Interfaces\RepositoryInterface; interface PostRepositoryInterface extends RepositoryInterface { }
Create a Repository class
namespace app\repositories; use app\repositories\interfaces\PostRepositoryInterface; use Awsm3\Yii2Repository\AbstractSqlArRepository; class PostRepository extends AbstractSqlArRepository implements PostRepositoryInterface { protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $applicationKey = 'id'; }
create a Repository as a Yii component
class PostRepository extends Component implements PostRepositoryInterface { use SqlArRepositoryTrait { init as repositoryInit; } protected $primaryKey = 'id'; protected $applicationKey = 'id'; public function init() { parent::init(); $this->repositoryInit(); } }
this approach is useful when toy have a class which is already extending a class and can't extend AbstractRepository class just like yii components by using traits you can use this classes as yii component.
if your model is using sql as it's data source and your model actually is extending yii\db\ActiveRecord your repository should extend Awsm3\Yii2Repository\AbstractSqlArRepository.
and if your data source is mongodb and your model actually is extending yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord your repository should extend Awsm3\Yii2Repository\AbstractMongoArRepository.
and consider your application can use power of both sql and document-based databses (mongo)
Attach your Repository to container
Yii::$container->set(\app\repositories\interfaces\iPostRepository::class, [ 'class' => \app\repositories\PostRepository::class ]); Yii::$container->set('postRepository', function($container, $params, $config){ return new \app\repositories\PostRepository(new \app\models\Post()); });
if you are coding in a module you can put above code in your module bootstrap file. and also you can don't use container and create repository object every where you want like this :
$postRepository = new \app\repositories\PostRepository(new \app\models\Post());
Repository Sample Usage
sample usage which I show by using a controller.
namespace app\controllers; use app\repositories\interfaces\PostRepositoryInterface; use Yii; use yii\web\Controller; use yii\web\Response; /** * PostController */ class PostController extends Controller { /** * @var iPostRepository */ protected $postRepository; /** * @var bool */ public $enableCsrfValidation = false; /** * init */ public function init() { parent::init(); $this->postRepository = Yii::$container->get('postRepository'); Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; } /** * @return array */ public function verbs() { return [ 'create' => ['POST'], 'delete' => ['DELETE'], 'update' => ['PUT'], 'index' => ['GET'], 'show' => ['GET'], 'delete-multiple' => ['DELETE'] ]; } /** * @return mixed */ public function actionCreate() { $data = Yii::$app->request->post(); $post = $this->postRepository->create($data); return $post; } /** * @param $id */ public function actionDelete($id) { $this->postRepository->deleteOneById($id); } /** * @param $id * @return bool */ public function actionUpdate($id) { $data = Yii::$app->request->post(); $post = $this->postRepository->updateOneById($id, $data); return $post; } /** * @return mixed */ public function actionIndex() { return $this->postRepository->searchByCriteria(); } /** * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function actionShow($id) { return $this->postRepository->findOneById($id); } /** * */ public function actionDeleteMultiple() { $ids = Yii::$app->request->post()['ids']; $deletedCount = $this->postRepository->deleteManyByIds($ids); } }