
Avify PHP Client Library

1.0.2 2022-05-06 16:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 22:49:10 UTC



PHP 5.6.0 and later.


You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

$ composer require avify/avify-php-client

To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


The Avify PHP Client constructor accepts the following parameters:

  • mode: 'sandbox' or 'production'.
  • version: 'v1'.
  • api_key: The API key provided by Avify.
use App\Avify;

$avify = new Avify(
    ' ** your api key here ** '

$paymentData = [
    "amount" => 500.00, // It must be a float value with a maximum of 2 decimal.
    "currency" => "USD",
    "description" => "Description",
    "orderReference" => "ref-123",
    "card" => [
        "cardHolder" => "John Doe",
        "cardNumber" => "4242424242424242",
        "cvc" => 123,
        "expMonth" => 12,
        "expYear" => 2028
    "customerId" => "123456789",
    "customer" => [
        "firstName" => "John",
        "lastName" => "Doe",
        "email" => "johndoe@test.com",
        "company" => "Best Company",
        "shippingAddress" => [
            "addressLine1" => "My address line 1",
            "addressLine2" => "My address line 2",
            "country" => "A valid country",
            "state" => "A valid state",
            "district" => "A valid district",
            "city" => "A valid city",
            "postCode" => "10512",
            "geoLat" => 19.087,
            "geoLon" => 10.246,
            "label" => "Work"
        "billingAddress" => [
            "addressLine1" => "My address line 1",
            "addressLine2" => "My address line 2",
            "country" => "A valid country",
            "state" => "A valid state",
            "district" => "A valid district",
            "city" => "A valid city",
            "postCode" => "10512",
            "geoLat" => 19.087,
            "geoLon" => 10.246,
            "label" => "Work"
    "meta" => ["orderId" => "ord-1234"]
$storeId = 25;
$checkout = $avify->process_payment($paymentData, $storeId);


If you want to set a custom locale and show messages in a specific language, you can do so using the set_locale method:

// Language and country

// Or you can directly specify the language

Available languages

At the moment we only support Spanish ('es') and English ('en').

Note: API's locale is English by default.


  • Improve README.