
Single database Multi-Tenancy solution for Laravel applications

2.0.8 2018-10-06 14:10 UTC

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Last update: 2025-01-22 22:21:47 UTC


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Single database Multi-Tenancy solution for Laravel applications.


composer require aventure-cloud/laravel-tenancy

After installation you don't need to add MultiTenancyServiceProvider in your configuration because it's auto-discovered from Laravel.


To get full control of the package's behavior you need publish config/multitenancy.php file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AventureCloud\MultiTenancy\MultiTenancyServiceProvider"

    'tenant' => [
        // The model representing a tenant
        'model' => App\Tenant::class,

        // The foreign key for identifying tenant ownership in all eloqunet models
        'foreign_key' => env('MULTITENANCY_FOREIGN_KEY', 'company_id'),
        // The field of tenant model used as subdomain key
        'identifier' => 'slug',

    // Field used to identify a tenant in the url
    'hostname' => [
        'default' => env('MULTITENANCY_HOSTNAME_DEFAULT', 'www.mydomain.com')

Eloquent Model Traits

Attach BelongsToTenant trait to models that you want scope by tenant:

class Post extends Model 
    use BelongsToTenant;
    // ...

Add IsTenant trait to your eloquent model that represent the tenant entity in your app:

class Company extends Model 
    use IsTenant;
    // ...

Configuring multi-tenant routes

You need to wrap all routes with tenant dependency before applying any other middleware. You can use the routes method by our facade that handle tenant recognition process automatically for you.

protected function mapTenantRoutes()
    // Wrap tenant routes here before every others middleware
    Tenancy::routes()->group(function () {

Default routes

Your landing page need to be loaded under your personal url, so you need to tell to the laravel how to identify your general routes. In your RoutesServiceProvider you can modify your map method like:

protected function map()

    Route::domain(config('multitenancy.hostname.default')->group(function() {

Validation Rules

Scoping your application by tenant can cause wrong behavior of the unique and exists validation rules that performs a query on the database without considering tenant scope by default.

This package ships with extended version of these two rules that run a query filtered by tenant.

public function store(Request $request)
        'email' => [Tenancy::unique('users', 'email')],
        'role_id' => [Tenancy::exists('roles', 'id')]


One drawback of sending Jobs into the Queue is that these are executed in a completely different process depending on your queue configuration including redis and beanstalk.

In order to assist you with tenant aware jobs, a TenantAwareJob is available to you. Instead of applying the SerializesModel trait as per suggestion in the Laravel documentation, you should use this Trait instead.

class ProcessPodcast implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, TenantAwareJob;
    // ...


When a tenant is founded and stored in Tenancy service the package fire an event with attacched tenant instance:

  • TenantLoaded


This package are licensed under the MIT license.