
1.2.4 2024-07-09 21:08 UTC



composer require audentio/laravel-uploader

Getting Started

  1. Run php artisan vendor:publish and choose the option for the library
  2. Create an Upload model and implement the \Audentio\LaravelUploader\Models\Interfaces\UploadModelInterface interface, and use the \Audentio\LaravelUploader\Models\Traits\UploadModelTrait trait, Create the GraphQL type/resource, and reference these in config/audentioUploader.php
  3. In routes/api.php add \Audentio\LaravelUploader\LaravelUploader::routes(); to the end to register the uploader routes

Setting up uploads for a new content type


You'll need to make sure to implmement the Audentio\LaravelUploader\Models\Interfaces\UploadContentInterface interface, and use the Audentio\LaravelUploader\Models\Traits\UploadContentTrait trait on your model class.

Finally, you'll need to define a _getUploaderConfig method on your model that defines all the upload content fields and variants. For example:

protected function _getUploaderConfig(): array
    return [
        'thumbnail' => [
            'variants' => [
                'thumb' => [
                    'width' => 528,
                    'height' => 280,

Allowed options for each content field include allowed_types, max_files, max_size, variants.

Allowed options for each variant include type (fill, or fit), width, and height.

GraphQL Resource


In both the getOutputFields and getInputFields for your GraphQL resource you'll need to add the following:

Output Fields

Model::addUploadGraphQLOutputFields($this->getGraphQLTypeName(), $fields);

Input Fields

Model::addUploadGraphQLInputFields($baseScope, $fields);


Setup Upload Args (Before initializing the model)
$uploads = Model::setupUploadArgs($args['model']);

Validate Uploads (Before saving the model)

if (!$model->validateUploads($uploads, $errors)) {
    $this->validationError($info, $errors, 'model');

Save Uploads (After saving the model, preferrably in the same transaction)


Uploading Files

Get an Upload

GET /api/upload/{id}

Create Upload

POST /api/upload



  • upload The uploaded file
  • content_type The content type (Should typically match the GraphQL Type name)
  • content_field The upload field name (Will be defined on the input fields for the GraphQL Type associated under uploads)

Response Example:

  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "payload": {
    "upload": {
      "id": "2e5a78f3-2dfe-4298-a73d-7de03937541a",
      "content_type": "Model",
      "content_field": "thumbnail",
      "variants": [
          "file_hash": "75daeb8e884c63a7d3f3ecc3e325f606",
          "file_type": "image\/png",
          "file_size": 52375,
          "width": 276,
          "height": 146,
          "variant": "thumb",
          "url": "https:\/\/\/Uploads\/Model\/thumbnail\/2e5a78f3-2dfe-4298-a73d-7de03937541a\/thumb_fileName.png"