
Événement-plus is an advanced event dispatching library for PHP

v2.0.0 2012-11-02 14:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 02:00:50 UTC


This is a fork of Événement by Igor Wiedler with advanced dispatching options.

Build Status


The recommended way to install Événement-Plus is through composer.

Just create a composer.json file for your project:

    "require": {
        "attozk/evenement-plus": "1.0.*"

And run these two commands to install it:

$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar install

Now you can add the autoloader, and you will have access to the library:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


Included are two types of event emitters:

  • EventEmitter - the original from Événement
  • EventEmitterRegex - with regex based event dispatching

EventEmitter Usage

Creating an Emitter

$emitter = new Evenement\EventEmitter();

Adding Listeners

$emitter->on('user.created', function (User $user) use ($logger) {
    $logger->log(sprintf("User '%s' was created.", $user->getLogin()));

Emitting Events

$emitter->emit('user.created', array($user));

EventEmitterRegex Usage

EventEmitterRegex uses regex to dispatching events.

Creating an Emitter

$emitter = new Evenement\EventEmitterRegex();

Adding Listeners

Addint multiple listeners using an array:

$emitter->on(['', ''], function (Request $request) use ($httpd) {
    $httpd->response(404, 'Not found.');

Above is the same as adding one listener at a time:

$emitter->on('', function (Request $request) use ($httpd) {
    $httpd->response(404, 'Not found.');

$emitter->on('', function (Request $request) use ($httpd) {
    $httpd->response(404, 'Not found.');

Adding regex listeners:

The following listeners would match request.www.domain.\w+ and request.example.(com|pk) patterns

$emitter->on(['request.www.domain.\w+', 'request.example.(com|pk)'], function (Request $request) use ($httpd) {
    $httpd->response(404, 'Not found.');

Emitting Events

$emitter->emit('user.created', array($user));

// or multiple evetns at once
$emitter->emit(['user.created', 'welcome'], array($user));

// or emit using regex patterns
$emitter->emit(['request.*.pk', 'request.*'], array($request));

Emitting Events First Match Win

$emitter->emitFirstMatch(['request.*.pk', 'request.*'], array($request));

Emitting Events With Default Fallback-Callback

For cases when you want to perform a default action when there are no listeners:

$fallback = function() use($logger) { 

$emitter->emit('user.created', array($user), $fallback);

// or multiple evetns at once
$emitter->emit(['user.created', 'welcome'], array($user), $fallback);

// or emit using regex patterns
$emitter->emit(['request.*.pk', 'request.*'], array($request), $fallback);


There is no doubt regex matching would be slower as the number of listeners goes up.

Following shows benchmarks for various scenarios.

Fixed number of listeners and variable emits

Time for 100 listeners and 10 emits
EventEmitter:                            1     ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       3     ms

Time for 100 listeners and 100 emits
EventEmitter:                            1     ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       16    ms

Time for 100 listeners and 1000 emits
EventEmitter:                            1     ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       98    ms

Time for 100 listeners and 10000 emits
EventEmitter:                            11    ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       1001  ms

Same number of listeners and emits

Time for 10 listeners and emits
EventEmitter:                            1     ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       1     ms

Time for 100 listeners and emits
EventEmitter:                            1     ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       11    ms

Time for 1000 listeners and emits
EventEmitter:                            7     ms
EventEmitterRegex:                       1355  ms


$ phpunit
