
Manage page title in Laravel views

1.0.1 2024-10-01 11:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-01 11:54:39 UTC


Often, you'll find yourself in situations, where you want to have more to control how to set a page title for your different views. Although it is possible to yield your page title in a master view it can be a hassle to deal with the format like a delimeter usage or to append/prepend a default page title.

This package simplifies the process.


Begin by installing this package through Composer:

composer require atereshchuk/pagetitle

Laravel Users

If you are a Laravel user, then there is a service provider that need to add to your config/app.php file.

'providers' => [

This package also provides a facade, which you may also register in your config/app.php as well if you want to use the facade in your controllers and views:

 'aliases' => [
     'PageTitle' => ATereshchuk\PageTitle\Facades\PageTitle::class,

In Laravel 5.5, service providers and aliases are automatically registered. If you're using Laravel 5.5, you can skip these steps.

Version 2.0

If you still use PHP 7.0 or 5.6 you need to use version 1.0 of this package. Version 2.0 and above is only compatible with PHP 7.1 or newer.

Version 2.0 of this package is also compatible with Laravel 5.5 and newer.


To simple add a single page title, call the appropiate add() method with passing a string as a parameter:

public function index()
    \PageTitle::add('Welcome to our Homepage');

    return view('hello');

You can also make use of the global pagetitle helper function.

public function index()
    pagetitle('Welcome to our Homepage');

    return view('hello');

To add multiple page title parts at once just pass an array as a parameter.

public function index()
        'About us',

    return view('hello');

Add the pagetitle to a blade view

Now you can display the fully concatenated page title in your view. The best way is to use it in your master layout file.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>{{ pagetitle()->get() }}</title>

To display the fully concatenated page title in reverse order just pass the reverse parameter.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>{{ pagetitle()->get('reverse') }}</title>

The downward mode first concatenates all page title parts in reverse order and then appends the page name ( if set in options )

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>{{ pagetitle()->get('downward') }}</title>


If using Laravel, there are three configuration options that you'll need to worry about. First, publish the default configuration with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ATereshchuk\PageTitle\PageTitleServiceProvider"

This will add a new configuration file to: config/pagetitle.php.


return [

    | Page name
    | Type your page name for your website.
    | This will be used when there are more titles to concatenate with.
    'page_name' => '',

    | Default title when empty
    | This will be used when therer is no other title.
    | Mainly used for the home page of your website.
    'default_title_when_empty' => '',

    | Delimiter
    | Titles will be concatenated using this delimiter.
    'delimiter' => ' :: ',


If you want you can enter your page name to this key if you want to append/prepend the name to your concatenated page title.


This text will be used when there is are no page title parts in the collection.


When you want to use a delimeter just update this key and add the string you want to use as an delimeter.

Change the configuration values

Each of the configuration parameters can be changed on the page title object instance with the correspondig setter methods:

  • setDelimeter(delimeter)
  • setPageName(pageName)
  • setDefault(default)

Example usage:

public function index()
    pagetitle('My Blog Post')->setPageName('My Blog')->setDelimeter(' / ');

    return view('hello');

To retrieve the current configuration values use the corresponding getter methods on the page title object instance:

  • getDelimeter()
  • getPageName()
  • getDefault()


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