
Jwt token authentication based on the laravel framework

dev-master 2019-09-05 15:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 10:28:57 UTC


This package made for handling token based authentication in laravel projects. It uses two types of tokens an access token and a refresh token both are generated when the user is successfully authenticated. It also support multiple table authentication.

This package has support for only EloquentUserProvider any other providers will not work


You can install it via composer

composer require atarek\jwt

Then add JwtServiceProvider to the list of providers in app.php

'providers' => [
        // ...

Next run the following to publish the package

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Atarek\Jwt\Providers\JwtServiceProvider"


Configure the auth.php guard driver to jwt

'api' => [
       'driver' => 'jwt',
       'provider' => 'users',

The provider_name must match the provider name in auth.php

return [
    'routes' => [
        'prefix' => [
            // provider_name => url_prefix
            // 'users' => 'api/users/actions',
        'controller' => [
            // provider_name => controller_name
            // 'users' => \Atarek\Jwt\Controllers\AuthController::class,

    'encode_secret' => false,

    'access' => [
        'expiration_time' => '+1 hour',
        'env_secret' => env('ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'),


    'refresh' => [
        'expiration_time' => '+1 day',
        'env_secret' => env('REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET')

In your laravel .env file add these two secret keys


You must implement the TokenSubject contract on the your Authenticatable model


namespace App;

use Atarek\Jwt\Core\Contracts\TokenSubject;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements TokenSubject
    public function addClaims($tokenType):array
         * where you add additional custom claims to the token
         * $tokenType passed is either access or refresh if
         * custom creation needed is based on tokenType
        return [];

    public function getProvider():string
        // must match the auth.php provider
        return 'users';

    public function getIdentifier():string
        // user id 
        return $this->getAuthIdentifier();

The default Atarek\Jwt\Controllers\AuthController::class contains four methods to handle token authentication and routes.

route_prefix/auth, @authenticateAuthenticates the request credentials and return the access and refresh token.

route_prefix/me, @user Returns the current user retrieved from the authorization bearer token

route_prefix/revoke, @revoke Blacklisting the authorization bearer token

reoute_prefix/refresh, @refresh Returns a new access token, you can only refresh with a refresh token


Add the has.access middleware to authenticate incoming requests



The user then can be accessed from the Auth Facade $user = Auth::user();

Extending AuthController

You can extend the default Atarek\Jwt\Controllers\AuthController::class and add additional logic before returning the response


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Atarek\Jwt\Controllers\AuthController;

class UserController extends AuthController
    public function authenticate(Request $request, $callBack = null)
        return parent($request, function($accessToken, $refreshToken){
            // do stuff here 
            // Auth::user()->doStuff();
            return response()->json([


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
