
ASU Header component and brand assets.

1.2.15 2023-03-03 23:21 UTC


The ASU Brand module provides the following functionality:

  • An ASU branded, accessible, Web Standards compliant Header with integration with ASU search and spplying required links. The header provides navigation menu which you can configure through the Drupal admin user interface. More details on configuration below.
  • ASU Universal Google Tag Manager. Enabled and included in your site's markup automatically without any configuration needed by you. Should you want to turn it off or wish to add an additional GTM container ID, visit Admin -> Configuration -> ASU Brand settings.
  • ASU branded Cookie Consent for GDPR compliance. On by default. No configuration necessary.

Find more technical details about the header, GTM and cookie consent on

Installation instructions

The ASU Brand module installs when you create a Webspark site. If you're using this module outside of Webspark or in other situations, see the instructions below.

  1. Install and enable the ASU Brand module just like any other module.
  2. Go to the Admin -> Structure -> Blocks and place the ASU Brand header block into the header region of your site. Please note that the header supplies its own header tag, so you may need to update non-Webspark themes to ensure they do not set their own header tags. The available regions will be determined by the theme that you are using.

CAS integration

The default login/out paths used in the ASU Brand header assume you have the CAS single sign on module enabled. CAS should be included and installed by default in Webspark sites. If needed for implementations, install and enable the CAS module to allow users to create accounts and authenticate to your site.

Note on caching

The ASU Brand header is cached for performance. When you make updates to the menu used in your header, please clear the cache to see your updates immediately. In the Drupal UI, go Admin -> Configuration -> Performance to clear the cache.

How to configure your header

Webspark sites install with the ASU header enabled and placed in the site layout by default with the Main menu configured as the header menu. Should you wish to reconfigure your header, or to add an additional header to your site, such as for a subsite or microsite, navigate to Admin -> Structure -> Blocks and place an "ASU brand header" block into the header region of your site. Each header block you create has its own independent settings. Most sites will only ever need one.

Within the ASU brand header block settings, you may change the settings of your header, but the defaults should work for most situations.

Columns within dropdown menus

To create a menu column add a menu link at the second level of your menu and configure it with the "Heading - starts a column" setting in the "ASU Brand menu link type" dropdown. All menu links at the second level following that header will be in that column until the next "Heading" menu link is encountered and a new column will start.

A note on buttons in the menu

There are three types of buttons available in the menu.

  1. Top level call to action buttons display alongside the top level menu items and are configured in the block configurations.
  2. Buttons within drop down menus' columns are configured on menu link item forms using the "ASU Brand menu link type" dropdown.
  3. Buttons in the tray at the bottom of drop down menus are enabled by clicking a menu link item's "Display as ASU Brand button in dropdown tray" checkbox. For 2 and 3, enabling the button settings will transform that menu link into the corresponding button type ONLY if that menu item is in the second level of your menu. If those menu link fields are configured in non-header menus, they will be ignored.

Header menu depth

Only header menu links at the top and second level are displayed in the header.

Other configurations

Global configurations related to GTM and Cookie Consent are found at the following click path: Admin -> Configuration -> ASU Brand settings.

Header assets

Previous version of the ASU Brand header loaded the header from external sources. The Webspark 2 version of the module, now ships with all header assets from the Unity Design System "components-library" header component onboard.

A note about toolbar menus

The ASU Brand header is designed to work with the Drupal core toolbar menu used to provide administrative system links. A popular Drupal module, the Admin Toolbar, which provides dropdown menus from the toolbar, is not currently supported.

Help! The header overlaps my content or UI!

The ASU Brand header uses fixed positioning, and that can lead to issues with other fixed positioned elements in the UI. We've attempted to catch and supply CSS rules that make adjustments for those UI elements provided in Webspark. If you have customizations or added modules that are overlapped, you can use the following CSS to deliver UI adjustments:

body.asu-brand-header-present {
  /* Your rules here. See css/asu_brand.header.css for examples from this
     module. To see how the ASU Brand module uses Javascript to detect and
     apply necessary changes related to the header, see
     js/asu_brand.header.js */

Extending the Google Analytics dataLayer

The ASU Brand module initializes a Google Analytics dataLayer for use by frontend Unity components. The dataLayer has been implmented so that modules may take advantage of it as well using the hook_asu_brand_gtm_datalayer_alter() hook. Please note, use of this hook to add page-based dataLayer pushes has not been tested, so it is encumbent on the developer implementing to ensure it behaves as desired and doesn't interfere with other dataLayer usage on existing pages. If you test this, we would appreciate hearing about your experience.

function hook_asu_brand_gtm_datalayer_alter(array &$datalayer) {
  // Set a "site" variable return.
  $datalayer['site'] = 'My Site';