
Secure SuperAdmin account on ASU Drupal sites

dev-main 2025-03-11 18:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 18:34:32 UTC



The asu_secure_superadmin module is intended to provide Enterprise Technology with a tool to secure the user1 account in Drupal sites on the Acquia platform. This module does the following:

  • Copies the user1 account to a new account
  • Changes the user1 account to a new username (etsuper) and randomized password
  • Disables the user1 account
  • Creates a new user account with the username and content of the original user1 account
  • Migrates the content of the original user1 account to the new account


In order for this module to work properly, it requires a patch to be applied to the Drupal core's user module prior to installation. The patch is targeted for Drupal 10.3.11 and can be found in the patch directory of this module. If your version of Drupal is different, you may need to re-roll the patch for your version of Drupal. This module is intended to be used only on ASU Drupal sites hosted on the Acquia platform.


If you are using a Composer workflow and have the cweagans/composer-patches package installed, add the patch to your composer file like so:

    "extra": {
        "patches": {
            "drupal/core": {
                "Add user1 account migration": "web/modules/contrib/asu_secure_superadmin/patch/user-module-3135592-2241mr-c39.patch"

The snippet above assumes that your Drupal root is in a directory called web. If your Drupal root is in a different directory, you will need to adjust the path to the patch file accordingly. If you are not using Composer or cweagans/composer-patches, you will need to add the patch manually to your Drupal codebase. Instructions for how to do this can be found at

After successfully applying the core patch, install this module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See: for further information.


No special configuration is needed for this module. Its functionality is automatically enabled and run on module installation.