
A custom sub-subtheme for Webspark 2

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dev-main 2024-02-24 00:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 01:10:32 UTC


This is a custom sub-subtheme for Webspark 2, based on the Renovation subtheme of the Radix theme. I have imported the Sass variables from Renovation to make it easier for us to do Sass front-end development.

Instructions for installation and use

  1. If you plan on installing this module via composer (composer install asuwatts/customrenovation:dev-main), you will not be able to customize it for your site.
    1. However, if you would like to use it as a starting point for a custom theme, you can install it via composer and then move it out of the web/themes/composer directory and place it one level up (at web/themes/).
    2. Then you will need to remove it from your composer.json and composer.lock files: composer remove asuwatts/customrenovation
    3. After that, you will need to make sure that the references to the Sass variables are updated. Most likely you will need to do a find/replace changing ../../../webspark-theme-renovation to be ../../../composer/webspark-theme-renovation in the "customrenovation/src/sass/" file (which is where you should make any Sass/css edits).
    4. From this point, be aware that the theme will be unique to your site and won't receive any updates from the original source in github.

Browsersync setup

In order to make this subtheme work with Browsersync for local front-end development, you will need to make a few changes.

  1. You will need to set Drupal 9 up for local development by creating a "web/sites/default/settings.local.php" file.
    1. The easiest way to do this is to open the "web/sites/example.settings.local.php" file and follow the directions. This will disable some of the caching in Drupal so that you won't have to rebuild the cache every time you make a change in your local environment.
  2. After setting your site up for local development, open the "customrenovation/webpack.mix.js" file and enter your site's name on the line that says const proxy = '<sitename>'; (without the < > symbols). Then save the file. Please note the lack of http:// or https:// protocols. Including the protocol will prevent browsersync from working properly.
  3. You will most likely need to open port 3000 if you want to use browsersync. To do so, you will need to create a new file in the .ddev directory at the root level of your site. The new file should be named "docker-compose.webpack.yaml". The contents of this file should be as follows:
version: "3.6"
         - 3000
         - HTTP_EXPOSE=${DDEV_ROUTER_HTTP_PORT}:80,${DDEV_MAILHOG_PORT}:8025,3001:3000
  1. Add the following to web/sites/default/settings.local.php for this to work:
$settings['reverse_proxy'] = TRUE;
$settings['reverse_proxy_addresses'] = ['', 'REMOTE_ADDR'];
  1. You will need to restart ddev for these changes to come into effect: ddev restart.
  2. After ddev has successfully restarted, run ddev ssh
  3. Navigate to the "web/themes/customrenovation" subtheme folder in your terminal.
  4. Run npm install from the within the subtheme folder.
  5. After npm has finished installing, run npm run watch, also from the subtheme folder.
  6. To utilize browsersync, don't use the https://localhost:3000 option that is provided. Instead, navigate to https://<sitename> (Again, replace <sitename> with the short name of your site).
  7. You can test if browsersync and the Sass variables are working correctly by making a change to the "customrenovation/src/sass/" file. An easy test is to change the color of links from maroon to blue.
a {
  color: $blue;

Once you save the file, a second or two later, the color of the maroon links in your browser should change to blue. If this happens, you have set things up successfully. Congratulations!