
Laravel image cache on Imagine

1.1.5 2015-05-15 10:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 05:13:13 UTC



Add this to your composer and run composer update

"astroanu/laravel-image-cache": "dev-master"

or run

composer require astroanu/laravel-image-cache

Registering the Laravel Provider

Add this to config/app.php

'providers' => [

The config file

Run artisan vendor:publish to copy the config file.

php artisan vendor:publish

Sample config file:

return 	array(
    'paths' => array(
        'input' => '../storage/assets', //this is where we will upload images. Also supports Laravel 5 file system.. see below
        'output' => '../storage/imagecache' // this is where we will save cached images. You are free to clean this folder when needed manually. Also supports Laravel 5 file system.. see below
    'usestorage' => true, // wheather to use Laravel filesystem or not.. see below.
    'imagedriver' => 'imagick', // imagick or gd
    'imagepath' => 'images', // default route for images.
    'defaults' => array(
    	'thumbwidth' => 80, // default thumb size
    	'thumbheight' => 80, // default thumb size
    	'jpgquality' => 80, // default jpg quality

Using Laravel FileSystem

The image cache can be used with Laravel 5 file system enabling you to save your images right in to the cloud or the local file system based on your /config/filesystem.php configuration.

To set up Laravel file system turn 'usestorage' => true on the config file. Define the input and output disks on the config/filesystem.php

'disks' => [

    'img_cache_input' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root'   => storage_path().'/app/imagecache/input',
    'img_cache_output' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root'   => storage_path().'/app/imagecache/output',

    'local' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root'   => storage_path().'/app',

Then define the same disk ids in the config/astroanu/imagecache.php

return  array(
    'paths' => array(
        'input' => 'img_cache_input',
        'output' => 'img_cache_output',
    'usestorage' => true,
    'imagedriver' => 'imagick',
    'imagepath' => 'images',
    'defaults' => array(
        'thumbwidth' => 80,
        'thumbheight' => 80,
        'jpgquality' => 80

Image routes

The following image urls/routes are available:

/{route}/{folder}/{image id}.{extention} // full image
/{route}/{folder}/{image id}-{squareSize}.{extention} // full image
/{route}/{folder}/{image id}-{width}-{height}.{extention} // resized and cropped


Uploading images

To upload images use Astroanu\ImageCache\Uploader class;

use Astroanu\ImageCache\Uploader;

class Users extends Model {

    // this is required. this is we save the uploaded files.
    protected $imagesdir = 'avatars';  
    public function uploadAndSetAvatar($file)
		if (!is_null($file)) {		
		    // here we are saving the returned image id to the model's image attribute
			$this->image = Uploader::upload($file, $this->imagesdir); 

And in the controller simply:

$user = new User();


if you're uploading from the controller do this:

$fileId = Uploader::upload(Input::file('avatar'), 'avatars'); // store the $fileId on the database

Using Traits to retrive images

You may use the Trait \Astroanu\ImageCache\Traits\GetImage inside your model to retrive the image. Simply put:

class Users extends Model {
    // this is required. this is where we look for the image file. see uploading.
    protected $imagesdir = 'avatars';  
    use \Astroanu\ImageCache\Traits\GetImage;

Then in your view or controller:

echo User::find(1)->getImage(); // returns the cached image url

getImage() supports the followign parameters:

getImage() //  returns image url with the default thumb size: as defined in the config
getImage(50) // returns a cropped and resized square image url
getImage(50, 800) // returns a cropped and resized rectangular image url

Inserting images in to html

Since you know the image id and the folder you can insert the image easily in to html

<img src="/images/<?php echo $folder; ?>/<?php echo $imageid; ?>.jpg">
<img src="/images/<?php echo $folder; ?>/<?php echo $imageid; ?>-100.jpg">
<img src="/images/<?php echo $folder; ?>/<?php echo $imageid; ?>-30-40.jpg">

Loading image object

You can load an image as an instace and read it as blob

$image = new Astroanu\ImageCache\Image('forlder', 'imageid');
$blob = $image->resize(200); // resized
$blob = $image->resize(50, 500); // resized
$blob = $image->resize(null); // null will return the original image blob