
Laravel support for plan routing.


Laravel plan router

This package is an extension of inbox package. Its main purpose is to provide the ability to define multiple Plans with certain regex rules, and upon providing some input return the matched Plan.

I.e. you may have one Plan matching *@gmail addresses, other one matching * addresses. Provided the input, package will return either first or second plan, depending on the actual address provided.


Install the package through composer. It is automatically registered as a Laravel service provider, so no additional actions are required.

composer require asseco-voice/laravel-plan-router



Attribute to match regex against.


  • For email, this can be: from, to, cc, bcc, subject
  • For SMS, this can be: from, to, body


A user-friendly name for set of regex matches which must be matched in order for the plan to be hit. Plan is a many-to-many relation with Rule for which you can define the actual regex in a pivot table.


Plan 1 -> from     *
       -> subject  *VIP*

Plan 2 -> from     *

priority if two plans are a hit at the same time, higher priority plan has greater precedence, and if hit, all other callbacks which might be a match won't be hit.

match_either - functions as an OR/AND gate. If set to true, having more than one match defined, only one has to be matched for a plan to be hit. If set to false, all matches need to be hit in order for that particular plan to be hit.


To set up the package:

  1. Run migrations with artisan migrate
  2. Run (or include in your DatabaseSeeder) PlanRouterPackageSeeder to seed dummy data. For production, only RuleSeeder will be run as it is the only one mandatory for package to function. It defines what can your raw payload match by.
  3. For any custom requirements, provide your own RuleSeeder instead of one from the package.


Call InboxService::match() in a place in your code where you're planning to receive the messages. Function takes a single parameter which is a class implementing a CanMatch interface, so be sure to dedicate a class which will parse your raw input and which you can then forward to the method.

Details about CanMatch implementation can be seen in original package documentation. This will return a matched Plan in case of a successful match, or null in case of no match.


public function __invoke(ReceiveEmailRequest $request)
    // email() is some arbitrary method in form request 
    // returning a CanMatch instance from given request data.
    $canMatchInstance = $request->email(); 

    $matchedPlan = InboxService::match($canMatchInstance);

    return response('success');

Plan - model values

You can provide a set of attribute => value values for each plan which would be responsible for changing the attributes of a saved model (check the plan_model_values table). The model must use a HasPlanValues trait.

For example, having a Message model with attributes title and description, and two Plans with following values:

ID  plan_id attribute       value

1   1       title           New title
2   2       description     Modify this

Meaning that Plan 1 will modify title, and Plan 2 will modify description.

Now, when a hit happens, you can apply these modifications.

$message = Message::create([
    'title'         => 'some title',
    'description'   => 'some description',

// Let's say Plan 2 was hit
$matchedPlan = InboxService::match($canMatchInstance);


    $message->title,      // Will dump "some title" as Plan 2 doesn't have title in plan_model_values.
    $message->description // Will dump "Modify this" because of Plan 2 hit. 

You can also set the attribute in the DB to be a relation name. It is a prerequisite a relation with that name exists on a model. In that case, the relation will be updated instead of the actual model attribute.

I.e. if Message belongs to a Folder, and has a folder(): BelongsTo method, you can define a Plan model values as such:

ID  plan_id attribute       value

1   1       folder          1

Extending the package

Publishing the configuration will enable you to change package models as well as controlling how migrations behave. If extending the model, make sure you're extending the original model in your implementation.