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This repository contains Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP source code. Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP lets PHP developers convert and process a variety of file formats in the cloud quickly and easily.

dev-master 2018-10-02 04:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 14:12:40 UTC


PHP version

#Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP Repository

This repository holds Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose REST API in your PHP applications quickly and easily.


Add the following line to your composer.json file:

// composer.json
    require: {
        "aspose/cloud-sdk-php": "~1.1"

Install the new dependencies by running composer update from the directory where your composer.json file is located.

##What's included in this SDK repository?

Module Description
Common This module provides the features commonly used by other sections of the SDK.
Storage This module provides the features to work with Aspose storage.
Pdf This module provides the features to manipulate PDF file formats using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud.
Words This module provides the features to manipulate word processing file formats using Aspose.Words for Cloud.
Cells This module provides the features to manipulate spreadsheet file formats using Aspose.Cloud for Cloud.
Slides This module provides the features to manipulate presentations file formats using Aspose.Slides for Cloud.
BarCode This module provides the features to create and detect BarCodes images using Aspose.BarCode for Cloud.
Email This module provides the features to manipulate email file formats using Aspose.Email for Cloud.
OCR This module provides the features to detect text from images using Aspose.OCR for Cloud.
Imaging This module provides the features to process image file formats using Aspose.Imaging for Cloud.
Tasks This module provides the features to process Microsoft Project file formats using Aspose.Tasks for Cloud.


In order to manipulate any files, you first need to upload them to the Aspose Cloud storage using Storage module.


The Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP allows you to save the output files at your specified location.

Make use of the EventDispatcher

The SDK allows you to alter the calls made by connecting EventListeners. You can simply register a php callable in your code by using the following example:

use Aspose\Cloud\Common\AsposeApp;
use Aspose\Cloud\Event\ProcessCommandEvent;

$dispatcher = AsposeApp::getEventDispatcher();
$dispatcher->addListener(ProcessCommandEvent::PRE_CURL, function (ProcessCommandEvent $event) {
    // will be executed when the ProcessCommandEvent::PRE_CURL event is dispatched
    curl_setopt($event->getSession(), CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); 

The SDK currenlty dispatches the following events. Please use the Event class constants in your code to register to the specific events.

Module Event names Description
Utils ProcessCommandEvent::PRE_CURL Allows you to alter the curl session before the call is executed.
Utils ProcessCommandEvent::POST_CURL Allows you to alter the curl session and response after the curl request is executed, but before the curl session is closed.
Utils ValidateOutputEvent::VALIDATE_OUTPUT Allows you to add extra validation on the result, by altering the invalid variable.
Pdf & Document SplitPageEvent::PAGE_IS_SPLIT Triggers after a SDK split call, for each page that was split. This allows you to use the `$outputFile` and `$pageNumber` directly after it was saved by `Utils::saveFile`.


For SDK API Ref Docs, please go through API Docs. For SDK Usage Examples, please go through wiki. For Aspose Cloud APIs related help, please go through Aspose.Total for Cloud.

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose for Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose for Cloud.