
Add setting pages with Amarkal UI components to your WordPress theme or plugin

dev-master 2017-12-25 21:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 05:18:46 UTC


Add setting pages with amarkal-ui components to your WordPress theme or plugin.

Tested up to: WordPress 4.8
Dependencies: amarkal-core, amarkal-ui



amarkal-settings lets you create setting pages for your theme or plugin, based on amarkal-ui components. Setting pages store data as options in the database, and use AJAX to store the data asynchronously to improve user experience.


Via Composer

If you are using the command line:

$ composer require askupa-software/amarkal-settings:dev-master

Or simply add the following to your composer.json file:

"require": {
     "askupa-software/amarkal-settings": "dev-master"

And run the command

$ composer install

This will install the package in the directory vendors/askupa-software/amarkal-settings.
Now all you need to do is include the composer autoloader.

require_once 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';


Download amarkal-core, amarkal-ui and amarkal-settings from github and include them in your project.

require_once 'path/to/amarkal-core/bootstrap.php';
require_once 'path/to/amarkal-ui/bootstrap.php';
require_once 'path/to/amarkal-settings/bootstrap.php';

Adding Setting Pages

A Setting page is a graphical user interface (based on amarkal-ui) that provides a convenient way for your users to store and retrieve options for your theme/plugin. A setting page is presented in the admin menu as a child page to an existing top level menu item.

Adding a settings page

The following example shows how to add settings page that will be available under the 'Tools' submenu.

$page = amarkal_add_settings_page(array(
    'slug'         => 'my-settings-page',
    'parent_slug'  => 'tools.php', // The 'Tools' top level menu item slug
    'title'        => 'My Settings',
    'menu_title'   => 'My Settings'

Now you can use the returned instance to add settings fields. Any Amarkal UI component can be used as a field.

    'type'       => 'text',
    'default'    => 'Default text...',
    'title'      => 'My Text',
    'name'       => 'my-text'

Adding a section to a settings page

You can also divide your settings into sections, to better organize them and make it easier for the user to find what he is looking for.

When you add one or more sections, a sidebar will appear with all the added section names, as well as a search box to search for a settings field in all the sections.

    'slug'         => 'my-section', // Must be unique within the list of sections for this page
    'title'        => 'My Section'

// Make sure to add a 'section' argument to fields to associate them with a given section
    'section'    => 'my-section',
    'type'       => 'text',
    'default'    => 'Default text...',
    'title'      => 'My Text',
    'name'       => 'my-text'

Retrieving a settings field value

You can retrieve the value of a certain field by its name, and the slug of the page in which it is registered.

This method checks the database first, and if nothing is found, it will return the field's default value.

$value = amarkal_get_settings_value('my-settings-page', 'my-text');



Add a settings page.

amarkal_add_settings_page( $args )

This function is used to create a settings page in WordPresss admin section. Once created, a menu item will be added to the submenu of the parent slug given in 'parent_slug'.

If you want to create a top-level settings page, you need to create a menu page using add_menu_page(), and then set the settings page's 'parent_slug' to the slug of the top-level menu page that you've created.


  • $args (Array) The list of page arguments. Acceptable arguments are:
    • parent_slug (String) The slug name for the parent menu (or the file name of a standard WordPress admin page).
    • slug (String) The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu).
    • title (String) The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when it is displayed.
    • subtitle (String) The text to be displayed below the title at the top part of the page.
    • menu_title (String) The text to be used for the menu.
    • capability (String) The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user. Used to determine whether or not a page is included in the menu.
    • footer_html (String) Specifies the HTML to be printed at the footer of the settings page.
    • subfooter_html (String) Specifies the HTML to be printed below footer of the settings page.

Return Value
(Amarkal\Settings\SettingsPag) The instance of the settings page

Example Usage

    'parent_slug'  => 'tools.php',
    'slug'         => 'my-settings-page',
    'title'        => 'My Settings',
    'menu_title'   => 'My Settings',
    'capability'   => 'manage_options'


Get the instance of a settings page.

amarkal_get_settings_page( $slug )

This function is used to get the instance of a reigstered settings page by its slug.


  • slug (String) The slug name of the settings page

Return Value
(Amarkal\Settings\SettingsPage) The instance of the settings page

Example Usage

$page = amarkal_get_settings_page('my-settings-page');


Get the value of the given field.

amarkal_get_settings_value( $slug, $field_name )

This function is used to retrieve the value of a given field. If no value exists in the database, the default value will be returned. This function makes a call to get_option() internally, providing the default value of the field as the second argument.


  • $slug (String) The slug of the settings page to which this field belongs
  • $field_name (String) The name of the field.

Return Value
(Mixed) The value of the given field.

Example Usage

$value = amarkal_get_settings_value('my-settings','my-text');


Get all the values for the given settings page as an array.

amarkal_get_settings_values( $slug )

This function is used to retrieve all the value of a given settings page. If no value exists in the database, the default values will be returned. This function makes a call to get_option() internally, providing the default value of the field as the second argument.


  • $slug (String) The slug of the settings page of which the values are to be retrieved.

Return Value
(Array) The list of all field values

Example Usage

$values = amarkal_get_settings_values('my-settings');