
v0.1 2021-06-13 15:48 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-03 08:55:09 UTC


Wallet Manager can manage user finance with multi accounts and wallets feature.

User can have multi accounts for any purpose of your application. For trading applications you can create a demo account, real account and etc. Each account can has multi wallets to handle your currencies.


php: >=7.1

"laravel/framework": "^5.0|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0"


composer require ashrafi/laravel-wallet:^v0.1

if you want to publish config you can run:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=wallet-manager-config

publish seeders

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=wallet-manager-seeder

Add seeders to DatabaseSeeder.php

(new CurrencySeeder())->run();
(new TransactionTypeSeeder())->run();

NOTICE: We use \App\User or \App\Models\User class to relate tables to the user and you can bind it to other class that implement iUser::class and bind it on AppServiceProvider

Next you need to run migrate and db:seed to create database tables and seeds:

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

NOTICE: This package will autoload with laravel and you don't need to add \Ashrafi\WalletManager\ServiceProvider::class to your bootstrap.


  • Facades: This package use facade pattern for models and you can extend and customize themes. To extend models you need add below codes to your AppServiceProvider:

    use Ashrafi\WalletManager\Models\Wallet;
    public function register(){
        //YOUR CODES
        //Bind other User class if you don't use \App\User class for authentication
        $this->app->bind(iUser::class, function(){
            return new {YourExtendedClass};
        $this->app->extend(Wallet::class, function(){
            return new {YourExtendedClass};
  • Commands: List of commands are located in src/Commands and you need to use this commands to work with this package features!

IMPORTANT Don't use WalletManager models directly and just use their facades: WalletModel, AccountModel, CurrencyModel,...

  • Events:

    The package have WalletEvent and AccountEvent to do anything you need to handle.

    • WalletCreating: triggered before create the wallet and after validate input.

    • WalletCreated: triggered after create the wallet.

    • AccountCreating: triggered before create the account and after validate input.

    • AccountCreated: triggered after create the account.


List of samples are located in samples folder, but you can follow them with this sort: 'transfer', etc).

  • Create Account This command will create an account with multi wallets for given user_id. Exp: You cann create a account for financial or scoring purpose!

  • Change wallet balance This command will charge/withdrawal a wallet. You can create TransactionAmount object which keep +/-amount, type and status.

  • Approve transaction This command will approve transaction and recalculate wallet(s) balance(s).

Value objects
  • TransactionAmount
Adding new transaction type

Each transaction can has seperate table for store related transaction data and validate related data, if so:

  1. Add your new type to transaction_types table.
  2. create new model/class for it and implement iRelatedTransactionTypeValidate class to validate transaction data and implement iRelatedTransactionTypeCreateRecord to insert transaction data to your table.
  3. add new type to wallet_manager.transaction_types.types config file.

Important transaction types

  1. init: This type already is defined and used on create new wallet with init balance.
  2. transfer: This type already is defined and used on transfer a amount from a wallet to an other wallet.
  3. cash: This type already is defined and used on charge or withdraw a cash amount without any extra data. We suggest to you define a new type to handle charge/withdraw transaction to store related data