
WordPress plugin intetration with ContextWP.

1.1.0 2025-02-21 12:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-21 12:35:56 UTC


A plug-and-play library to integrate with ContextWP


For tailored usage, see your Integration instructions within ContextWP.

More generic usage is as follows:

Include this package within your plugin, using Composer:

composer require ashleyfae/contextwp-sdk

Make sure your WordPress plugin is including the autoload file, if not already:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

Then register your product:

add_action('contextwp_sdk_loaded', function (\ContextWP\SDK $sdk) {
        (new \ContextWP\ValueObjects\Product('PUBLIC_KEY_HERE', 'PRODUCT_UUID_HERE'))

Your public key and product UUID can be obtained from your ContextWP product dashboard.

Collect your plugin's version number

By default, the SDK will include non-plugin-specific environment information, such as PHP version, WordPress version, and more. You can also include your plugin's version number in the data, by using the setVersion() method like so:

add_action('contextwp_sdk_loaded', function (\ContextWP\SDK $sdk) {
        (new \ContextWP\ValueObjects\Product('PUBLIC_KEY_HERE', 'PRODUCT_UUID_HERE'))


If you want to test that the SDK is set up correctly and definitely running, you can run this WP-CLI command:

wp contextwp checkin

This is the output you should see if it's working correctly (UUIDs will differ):

Sending check-ins for PK: af272e18-bea7-42fd-b531-f898fbd55b25
Response code: 202
Response body: {"accepted":["ca9d46ca-d5b7-4a85-8411-aeec690a6d26"],"rejected":[]}