
Display your Google AdSense analytics directly within the Kirby 3 panel.

1.0.0 2020-07-01 17:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:46:37 UTC


This plugin will display your Google AdSense metrics for a range of dimensions directly from within the Kirby 3 panel.



This plugin is completely free and published under the MIT license.

1. Installation

Installation via Composer

composer require ashhhbradley/adsense

This will install the plugin along with it's dependencies at /site/plugins/adsense

Note: If you have adblock installed you may recieve a failed to fetch error since it will block urls containing the word adsense. To fix this either disable adblock or add @@||*/api/plugin/adsense/$xmlhttprequest to your filters.

2. Authentication

In order for this plugin to fetch data from the Google AdSense API, some credentials will need to be provided. You can follow a walk-through to learn how to create them here: Wiki.

3. Options

Here is an overview of the available options with their default values:

return [
    # required
    'ashhhbradley.adsense.client_secret'   => undefined,
    'ashhhbradley.adsense.client_id'       => undefined,
    'ashhhbradley.adsense.redirect_uri'    => undefined,

    # optional
    'ashhhbradley.adsense.token_file_path' => '/auth/token',
    'ashhhbradley.adsense.cache_file_path' => '/reports/cache/',

3.1. Required Options

3.1.1. client_secret

This is where to insert your client secret value from

Please note that the client secret is private and shouldn't be made public. Once added, if you need to publish your code please create something like a duplicated config.github.php which will contain the non-sensitive information, and add your real config.php to your .gitignore.

More info here:

'ashhhbradley.adsense.client_secret' => '#########################',

3.1.2. client_id

This is where to insert your client id value from

Much like the client secret, the client id should also remain private and not be made public.

'ashhhbradley.adsense.client_id' => '',

3.1.3. redirect_uri

This value should be the url of the panel page which contains the plugin. It is used for redirection after connecting your google account and just makes the authentication flow a bit more seamless.

'ashhhbradley.adsense.redirect_uri' => 'http(s)://<yourdomain>/panel/site',

3.2. Optional

3.2.1. token_file_path

Type: String, Default: /auth/token

This is the file path for where to store the access token.

Note: This value must start with / & contain a directory followed by a filename.

'ashhhbradley.adsense.token_file_path' => '/<dir>/<filename>',

3.2.2. cache_file_path

Type: String, Default: /reports/cache/

This is the file path for where to store the json responses from the Google Adsense API.

Note: This value must start & end with /.

'ashhhbradley.adsense.cache_file_path' => '/<dir>/<subdir>/',

4. Blueprints

This section will cover all the available properties for this plugin and explain what each property does.

4.1. Basic blueprint example

Please make sure that you have included the required options in your Kirby config and included your account ID in the blueprint.

Place this snippet in your blueprint:

  - width: 2/3
        type: adsense
        account: "pub-################"

4.1.1. account (required)

This is where to add your AdSense account ID. You can also query this value from a panel page field such as {{ kirby.user.account_id }}. This will fetch the value from a field called account_id for the current user.

4.2. Hide elements

  hideHeadline:    false
  hideConnect:     false
  hideLastUpdated: false

4.2.1. hideHeadline

Type: Boolean, Default: false

Setting this value to true will hide the default headline.

4.2.2. hideConnect

Type: Boolean, Default: false

After connecting your account, you may wish to hide the connect button and setting this value to true will do that. But remember if you wish to disconnect your account this will need to be set to false.

4.2.3. hideLastUpdated

Type: Boolean, Default: false

Setting this value to true will hide the last updated text below the component.

4.3. Defaults

    active: today
    currency: USD

4.3.1. active

Type: String, Default: today

This is used to set the active date range to load when the user first loads the plugin. So if you wanted "All Time" to initially be the active date range, set this value to all_time.

4.3.2. currency

Type: String, Default: USD

Set your currency code here, you can find a full list of currency codes over at the API docs.


4.4. Filters

    AD_UNIT_NAME: "{{ kirby.user.ad_unit }}"
    PLATFORM_TYPE_CODE: "HighEndMobile"

Type: Array, Default: null

You can filter your reports by adding dimensions and their values to the blueprint like this. Important: these values are case sensitive any may return an error if not added correctly.


4.5. Cache

    disabled: false
    prompt: true
      - clearActive
      - clearAll
      - today
    autoRefreshInterval: '12 hours'

4.5.1. disabled

Type: Boolean, Default: false

Setting this value to true will disable saving reports to file. This is not recommending as the API has a limit of 10,000 requests per day. But if you want real time updates this is how to do it. This option will also make all other options redundant when set to true.

4.5.2. prompt

Type: Boolean, Default: true

By default a prompt will appear asking for confirmation every time the user clicks the refresh cache button. To disable this simply set this option to false.

4.5.3. refresh

Type: Array, Default: [hidden]

By default the refresh button will be hidden. This property will accept the values clearActive, clearAll or both.

  • clearActive will display a Refresh button which will only clear the cache for the active date range and fetch a new report to save to cache.
  • clearAll will display a Clear All Cache button which will clear all reports from cache and fetch a new report for the active date range to save to cache.
  • If both of these options are added, a dropdown menu will display with both options to choose from.

4.5.4. autoRefresh

Type: Array, Default: empty

When the page is refreshed, if the active date range is listed in this array, the last updated date will be compared to the current time and will automatically refresh the data if the refresh interval has elapsed.

4.5.5. autoRefreshInterval

Type: String, Default: 12 hours

For a full list of accepted values see the PHP documentation.


4.6. Params

      name: Today
      startDate: today
      endDate: today

For the params you must specify a date range with a custom property name which includes the following nested properties: name, startDate & endDate.

Note: the property name, for example 'today' is the value to reference in the defaults > active part of the blueprint as well as cache > autoRefresh.

4.6.1. name

Type: String, Default: Today

This is the name which will appear in the tabs list above the analytics component.

4.6.2. startDate / endDate

Type: String, Default: today

Here you can specify either a relative date name or a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. For a full list of acceptable relative dates see the API docs.


4.7. Complete blueprint example

Here's a complete example of how the blueprint will look with all the properties configured.

  - width: 2/3
        type: adsense
        headline: Google AdSense Analytics

        account: "pub-################"

        hideHeadline: false
        hideConnect: false
        hideLastUpdated: false

          active: today
          currency: USD

          PLATFORM_TYPE_CODE: "HighEndMobile"

          disabled: false
          prompt: true
            - clearActive
            - clearAll
            - today
          autoRefreshInterval: "12 hours"

            name: Today
            startDate: today
            endDate: today
            name: Yesterday
            startDate: today-1d
            endDate: today-1d
            name: This Month
            startDate: startOfMonth
            endDate: today
            name: This Year
            startDate: startOfYear
            endDate: today
            name: All Time
            startDate: 2003-01-01
            endDate: today

5. License


6. Credits

Credit to Kirby Matomo by @sylvainjule which was used as a learning resource and for styling of this plugin.