
Sitemap generator for Monal CMS.

0.1.1 2014-07-09 15:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 08:59:09 UTC


Sitemap generator for Monal CMS. Allows the registering of entities on a package by package basis.

By default Monal Sitemap places sitemaps at sitemap and sitemap.xml. This name can be customised via the config['filename'] option.


  1. Add ash\monal-sitemap as a Composer dependency and install
  2. Add 'Ash\MonalSitemap\MonalSitemapServiceProvider' to app providers
  3. Add 'Sitemap' => 'Ash\MonalSitemap\Facades\Sitemap' to app aliases

Registering a sitemap section

Monal Sitemap consists of collections of entities. An entity can be either a single entity (a SitemapEntity) or a collection of entities (a SitemapCollection).

Entities are registered using the register function.

Sitemap::register( string $name, Callable $register [, $cache ] )


The name of the collection / entity. Must be unique.


A function that returns either an instance of SitemapCollection or SitemapEntity.


Override the default cache (1440 minutes). Set to either a custom number of minutes, or false to disable caching.

SitemapEntity and SitemapCollection

SitemapEntity and SitemapCollection are identical in all regards other than SitemapCollections ability to contain a collection of entities.

$entity/$collection->uri - required

Full URI of the entity (excluding domain).

$entity/$collection->name - required





Add a collection or entity to the collection. Can be chained or given an array, for example:



// Register a collection named 'products'

Sitemap::register('products', function($uri) {

	// The second param of the register function is a callback
// that should return a collection or an entity
	// Create a new collection
	$collection = App::make('SitemapCollection');
	// Set the collection URI
	// $uri passed to this callback is the same as the collection name (products)
	$collection->uri = $uri;
	$collection->name = 'Products';

	// Gather data for a resource	
	foreach(Product::all() as $product) {
		// Create a new single entity
		$entity = App::make('SitemapEntity');
		// Set entity URI
		$entity->uri = 'products/' . $product->uri;
		$entity->name = $product->name;
		// Set entity lastmod
		// The default Laravel updated_at timestamp works here
		$entity->lastmod = $product->updated_at;
		// Add the single entity to the collection

	return $collection;



The sitemap uses a view called sitemap.blade.php that you can publish to your local view directory in order to customise. The sitemap object is passed to the view as $sitemap.

You can either iterate through the collections and entities manually, or use the $sitemap->html() function to output a <ul> containing the sitemap.

Iterating through the sitemap to create a custom output is very simple, see the use of Blade's @each function in the default view.


  • Should / could this be a generic Laravel tool, rather than being for Monal?
  • Add entity validation - $entity->valid() is checked upon adding, currently always returns true
  • Unit tests
  • Add default cache duration as config item
  • Implement gzipping of XML version


0.1.1 - 09/07/14

  • Fix XML output

0.1.0 - 02/07/14

  • Improved HTML templating (now uses a Blade view that can be published to the local views dir)

0.0.1 - 01/07/14