



v0.3.1 2016-05-13 11:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:50:54 UTC



Build Status

File is a package to work with the file system and it provides a class to manipulate files as objects.

##Installation If you are working on an Asgard project you don't need to install this library as it is already part of the standard libraries.

composer require asgard/file 0.*



When a method takes a parameter $mode, you can use different values:

$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::OVERRIDE; #override existing files
$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::RENAME; #rename new files
$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::IGNORE; #ignore existing files
$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::MERGEDIR; #merge directories
$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::MERGEDIR | \Asgard\File\FileSystem::OVERRIDE; #merge directories but override existing files
$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::MERGEDIR | \Asgard\File\FileSystem::RENAME; #merge directories but rename new files
$mode = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::MERGEDIR | \Asgard\File\FileSystem::IGNORE; #merge directories but ignore existing files

It defaults to OVERRIDE.


Get relative path from a file to another:

\Asgard\File\FileSystem::relativeTo($from, $to);

Get a new filename if the existing one is already taken:

$filename = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::getNewFilename($filename);

Rename a file or directory:

$path = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::rename($src, $dst, $mode=null);

returns the new path if successful, otherwise false.

Copy a file or directory:

$path = \Asgard\File\FileSystem::copy($src, $dst, $mode=null);

returns the new path if successful, otherwise false.

Delete a file or directory:


returns true is successful, otherwise false.

Create a new directory:


returns true is successful, otherwise false.

Write content into a file:

\Asgard\File\FileSystem::write($path, $content, $mode=null, $append=false);

returns true is successful, otherwise false.



$file = new \Asgard\File\File('/path/to/file.txt');

Set source:


Set file name:


Get file name:


Check if the file was just uploaded:


Get the file size in bytes:


Get the file type:


Get the file extension:


Check if the file exists:


Get the file source:


Get the relative path to another file or directory:


Move the to another directory:

$file->moveToDir('/a/dir/', $mode=null);

Check if the file is in a directory


Check if the file is at a specific path:


Rename the file:

$file->rename('/anoter/path/to/file.txt', $mode=null);

Delete the file:


Copy the file:

$file->copy('/path/to/copy.txt', $mode=null);


Please submit all issues and pull requests to the asgardphp/asgard repository.


The Asgard framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license