Small library for send sms messages using the asesoritech sms services.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

dev-master 2020-12-22 22:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-06-22 06:08:28 UTC


Easy Implementations of asesoritech services for laravel applications


  1. Install packages dependencies
composer require asesoritech/tools


Install guzzle dependencies

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

Set up env variables

Set the api key provided



Send Message

$goSMS  = new GoSMS();
$sent   = $goSMS->sendMessage("8090000000","Exmple message");
echo $sent;

Check line status

$goSMS  = new GoSMS();
$status = $goSMS->status();
echo $status;

Azul Payment Page

Set up env variables

AZUL_MERCHANT_ID="Identification of the assigned business"
AZUL_MERCHANT_NAME="Business name"
AZUL_MERCHANT_TYPE="Business type information"
AZUL_MERCHANT_LOGO="Business logo image full url"

** Optional **
AZUL_APPROVED_URL Default: Base Url + 'azul/approved' 
AZUL_DECLINED_URL Default: Base Url + 'azul/declined' 
AZUL_CANCEL_URL   Default: Base Url + 'azul/cancelled' 


If (APP_ENV = local) the Azul test environment will be set, otherwise the production domain and configuration will be set


Create payment data

Create an array with all (Azul) required fields including AuthHash

 $azulGateway = new AzulGateway();
 $data = $azulGateway->createPaymentData($orderId,$amount,$productImageUrl);

Invoke payment page

Automatically create and submit HTML form with all required fields and data to redirect to payment page;

 $azulGateway = new AzulGateway();
 $htmlForm    = $azulGateway->invokePaymentPage($orderId,$amount,$productImageUrl);
 echo $htmlForm;