
Self-made SplObjectStorage extension

v0.3.0 2023-12-14 16:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 17:42:21 UTC


Self-made SplObjectStorage extension

The purpose of this package is to use a SplObjectStorage in an easier and faster way. The native implementation of this class leads to some complications to access to its content.

I tried to use the php DS package but came back to the enhancement of this present tool.

Release notes

version 0.3.0

  • Offset read/write access



A Box uses a SplObjectStorage to store objects. It provides easy ways to add content at the top or the bottom of the container, retrieve or remove some content.

Methods available :

  • Box::associate(object, mixed, ?int): void - add or replace the offset of given object
  • Box::clear(): void - remove all content
  • Box::contains(object): bool - Check the existence of an instance (strict comparison)
  • Box::count(): int - return the number of items
  • Box::each(Closure): void - call given closure for avery items
  • Box::filter(Closure): self - return a new Box with elements filtered by Closure
  • Box::find(Closure): ?object - find an element matching closure result
  • Box::first(): ?object - Return the first stored element
  • Box::getIterator(): SplObjectStorage - Return Box iterator
  • Box::hasAny(object): bool - Check the existence of an instance (value comparison)
  • Box::isEmpty(): bool - check if Box is empty
  • Box::last(): ?object - Return the last stored element
  • Box::map(Closure): self - return a new Box containing instances returned by Closure
  • Box::pop(): ?object - Remove and return the last element
  • Box::push(object, mixed): void - add content at the top of the storage
  • Box::readonly(): ReadonlyBox - return a readonly Box
  • Box::remove(Closure): bool - Remove filtered element if any and return true on success, false otherwise
  • Box::sort(callable, ?BoxSortOrder): void - sort the box using given algorithm, ASC default order
  • Box::sortReverse(callable): void - sort the box using given algorithm, DESC order
  • Box::shift(): ?object - Remove and return the first element
  • Box::unshift(object, mixed): void - add content at the tail of the storage
  • Box::valueOf(object): mixed - get the offset associated to the given object if present, null otherwise


A ReadonlyBox is, as the name suggests, a Box in readonly mode. It just provides read methods.

Methods available :

  • Box::contains(object): bool - Check the existence of an instance (strict comparison)
  • Box::count(): int - return the number of items
  • Box::find(Closure): ?object - find an element matching closure result
  • Box::each(Closure): void - call given closure for avery items
  • Box::first(): ?object - Return the first stored element
  • Box::getIterator(): SplObjectStorage - Return Box iterator
  • Box::hasAny(object): bool - Check the existence of an instance (value comparison)
  • Box::isEmpty(): bool - check if Box is empty
  • Box::last(): ?object - Return the last stored element
  • Box::map(Closure): self - return a new Box containing instances returned by Closure
  • Box::valueOf(object): mixed - get the offset associated to the given object if present, null otherwise


A Box is sortable but needs an algorithm to work with the instances registered by the Box.

This algorithm takes 2 arguments : The current Box value and the next one. It returns an integer as the result of the comparison between those values, just like usort() with instances.

Offset access

The box instance provides methods to access the offset of all its content.

Methods push and unshift accept a first parameter that is the object to store, and a second nullable parameter for the offset. However, it is still possible to add or change the offset of a value during runtime by using the associate method.

It accepts 3 parameters :

  • the object that MAY be registered by the Box
  • the value to add/modify/remove as offset
  • an optionnal boolean value, default set to false, to force pushing given object and associated offset in the Box :
$box = new Box();
$class1 = new MyClass(1);
$class2 = new MyClass(2);
$class3 = new MyClass(3);
$box->push($class2, 'offset2'); // registering class2 with an offset as Box head
$box->unshift($class1, 'offset1'); // registering class2 with an offset as Box tail

$box->associate($class1, 'new offset'); // changing class1 offset

$box->associate($class2, null); // removing class2 offset

$box->associate($class3, 'offset3', $box::IGNORE_ON_MISSING); // $class3 not registered, no action (default behavior)

$box->associate($class3, 'offset3', $box::APPEND_ON_MISSING); // $class3 pushed in Box with its offset

$box->associate($class4, 'offset4', $box::PREPEND_ON_MISSING); // $class4 added as Box tail with its offset

The associate method is not available with ReadonlyBox.

To retrieve the offset of a registered object :

// from last example
$offset1 = $box->valueOf($class1); // 'new offset' 

$offset2 = $box->valueOf($class2); // null 

$offset3 = $box->valueOf(new MyClass(4)); // null, unregistered object