
A forum module.

1.0.4 2021-05-30 13:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:28:05 UTC


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Anax module for questions, answers and comments

This module can be incorporated with the Anax framework to provide a forum for asking questions, answering questions and commenting.

To install

In your composer.json do:

    composer require asatirsen/forum

Integrate the module

From the root of your Anax repo run:

Simply run:

bash vendor/asatirsenforum/.anax/scaffold/postprocess.d/100_forum.bash

Or manually:

Copy the configuration files

rsync -av --exclude navbar --exclude page.php vendor/asatirsen/forum/config ./

Copy the view

rsync -av vendor/asatirsen/forum/view ./

copy the src directory

rsync -av vendor/asatirsen/forum/src ./

copy the sql directory

rsync -av vendor/asatirsen/forum/sql ./

create databases

sqlite3 data/db.sqlite < sql/ddl/user_sqlite.sql
sqlite3 data/db.sqlite < sql/ddl/tag_question_sqlite.sql
sqlite3 data/db.sqlite < sql/ddl/question_sqlite.sql
sqlite3 data/db.sqlite < sql/ddl/answer_sqlite.sql
sqlite3 data/db.sqlite < sql/ddl/tag_sqlite.sql
sqlite3 data/db.sqlite < sql/ddl/comment_sqlite.sql

Update your navigation:

Add Forum to your navbar via config/navbar/header.php and via config/navbar/responsive.php

You will need to insert the following lines of code into the items-key in the above files.

        "text" => "Forum",
        "url" => "forum",
        "title" => "Första sidan, börja här.",
        "text" => "Logga in",
        "url" => "user/login",
        "title" => "Logga in.",
        "text" => "Frågor",
        "url" => "question",
        "title" => "Frågor",
        "text" => "Taggar",
        "url" => "tag",
        "title" => "Taggar",
        "text" => "Om",
        "url" => "about",
        "title" => "Om denna webbplats.",