artlabs / gravatar
Avatar Generator
- php: >=5.4.0
- illuminate/support: 5.1.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 20:24:25 UTC
- Installation
- Registering the Package
- Usage
- Generating gravatar url by user() method
- Generating gravatar url by make() method
- Generating HTM avatar code
Add Gravatar to your composer.json file:
composer require artlabs/gravatar
Use composer to install this package.
$ composer update
Registering the Package
Add the Gravatar Service Provider to your config in config/app.php
'providers' => array( Artlabs\Gravatar\GravatarServiceProvider::class ),
Generating gravatar url by user() method
Generating avatar with default settings is very simple and all you have to do is to call
method with user email as a paramterer:
<?php // user email $email = ""; // create a gravatar object for specified email $gravatar = Gravatar::user( $email ); // get gravatar url as a string $url = $gravatar->url(); ?>
If you want to customize avatar a little bit you can set some more parameters using additional methods
like size()
, rating()
, defaultImage()
<?php // user email $email = ""; // create a gravatar object for specified email with additional settings $gravatar = Gravatar::user( $email ); // Size in pixels, defaults to 80px [ 1 - 2048 ] $gravatar->size('220'); // Maximum rating (inclusive) [ g | pg | r | x ] // defaults to 'g' $gravatar->rating('g'); // Default imageset to use [ 404 | mm | identicon | monsterid | wavatar ] // You can also specify url to your own default avatar image // defaults to 'mm' $gravatar->defaultImage('mm'); // set Gravatar to build urls with https [true = use https, false = ise http] // defaults to 'false' $gravatar->secured( true ); // get gravatar url as a string $url = $gravatar->url(); ?>
U can also chain all methods:
<?php $url = Gravatar::user( $email )->size('220')->rating('g')->defaultImage('mm')->url(); ?>
Generating gravatar url by make() method
Basic way to generate gravatar url is just to call make()
method with
user email address as a parameter (all other parameters will be loaded from defaults).
<?php // user email $email = ""; // create a gravatar object for specified email $gravatar = Gravatar::make( $email ); // get gravatar url as a string $url = $gravatar->url(); ?>
U can aslo chain methods:
<?php // to get url string $url = Gravatar::make( $email )->url(); ?>
If you want specify size of avatar or some other additional parameters you can do this
by passing array with parameters to make()
<?php // user email $email = ""; // create a gravatar object in specified size $url = Gravatar::make( ['email' => $email, 'size' => 220] )->url(); // create a gravatar object with some other additional parameters $url = Gravatar::make( [ 'email' => $email, 'size' => 220, 'defaultImage' => 'mm', 'rating' => 'g', 'secured' => true ])->url(); ?>
Generating HTM avatar code
With Gravatar you can get url string of user avatar by calling url()
but also you can generate full html code by calling
method instead of url()
<?php // user email $email = ""; // create some Gravatar object $gravatar = Gravatar::user( $email )->size('120'); // get gravatar <img> html code $html = $gravatar->html(); ?>
If you want to have more controll over the returned html code you can pass some additional html attributes to html() method, for examle:
<?php $html = Gravatar::user( $email )->html( ['class' => 'avatar', 'id' => 'user123' ] ); ?>