artisangang / jwt
PHP7 library for JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
2018-07-05 15:28 UTC
- php: >=7.2
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^7.2
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-08 00:56:08 UTC
PHP7 library for JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
composer require artisangang/jwt
Requires PHP 7.
<?php // create token $token = Token::make([ 'key' => 'secret', 'issuer' => 'artisangang', 'expiry' => strtotime('+1 hour'), 'issuedAt' => time(), 'algorithm' => 'HS256' ])->get(); try { Token::validate($token, 'secret'); } catch (\Exception $e) { //InvalidArgumentException|UnexpectedValueException //InvalidSignatureException|BeforeValidException|TokenExpiredException } /** * or * Token::check($token, 'secret') * this will return true or false only */ // decode token // (new Token)->decode('token', 'key') // token string to token object // Token::break('token', 'key') // jwt claims maping with Token Class /** * [ * 'iss' => 'issuer', * 'sub' => 'subject', * 'aud' => 'audience', * 'exp' => 'expiry', * 'nbf' => 'notBefore', * 'iat' => 'issuedAt', * 'jti' => 'identify', * 'typ' => 'type', * 'alg' => 'algorithm' *] */
Using methods
$token = new Token; $token->setKey('secret); $token->setIssuer('who issued this token'); $token->setSubject('subject of token'); $token->setAudience('recipients'); // of in case of multiple audience //$token->setAudience('recipient1', 'recipient2', 'recipient3'); // this will work with unix timestamp $token->setExpiry(time() + 60); // this token cannot be used before $token->setNotBefore(time() + 10); // token issued at unix time stamp // Note: token cannot be used before issued at time $token->setIssuedAt(time()); $token->setIdentity('this must be unique'); $token->setType('jwt'); // suported algorithm: HS256,HS512,HS384 // for oppen ssl : RS256,RS384,RS512 $token->setAlgorithm('HS256'); // add custom claims to token $token->setClaim('user_id', 1); $token->setClaim('email', ''); // generate token based on claims $tokenString = $token->get();
Validating a token
// use one from below methods try { // this will return array of claims $token = Token::validate('token string', 'your key'); // you may validate custom claims here } catch(\Exception $e) { //InvalidArgumentException -> some required argument is missing //UnexpectedValueException -> argument or segment value is malformed //InvalidSignatureException -> token signature not matched , Token is invalid //BeforeValidException -> token is used before issued at or not before time //TokenExpiredException -> token is expired } // or by using check, this will return bool if (!Token::check('token string', 'your key')) { // token is not valid }
For more information explorer JWT\Token.php.
Use openssl_pkcs12_read,openssl_get_privatekey to read key.