arter / amos-translation
AMOS Translation
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
- php: >=5.5.0
- arter/amos-core: >=1.9.50
- arter/amos-dashboard: >=1.8.15
- arter/amos-workflow: *
- lajax/yii2-translate-manager: 1.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-06-16 20:29:26 UTC
Translation management.
Button clean translatemanager cache
Insert in config/component-amos
'view' => [
'class' => 'arter\amos\core\components\AmosView',
'theme' => [
'pathMap' => [
'@vendor/lajax/yii2-translate-manager/views/language/' => '@vendor/arter/amos-translation/src/views/translatemanager/'
Configurable properties
*defaultTranslationLanguage - string
Default language to translate if the record translate is not present
'translation' => [
'class' => 'arter\amos\translation\AmosTranslation',
'defaultTranslationLanguage' => 'en-GB',
*secureCookie - boolean
Added configuration to enable to send cookie without security
*enableCookieFor2LevelDomain - boolean
Added configuration to set cookie for the second level domain
*byPassPermissionInlineTranslation - boolean If the value is true it disable all the permission on the record translation
*enableLabelTranslationField - boolean, default = false If set to true it enables the display of the translatable fields in the forms
*templateTranslationField - string, default = '{translation}' Template of translation field in the form, near the label
*templateTranslationAltField - string, default = '{altTranslation}' Template of translation alt field in the form, near the $templateTranslationField
*translationLabelField - string, default = 'strtoupper(substr(\Yii::$app->language, 0, 2));' This string will be parsed by the "eval()" function instead of $tempalteTransaltionField, by default {translation}
*translationLabelAltField - string, default = '\Yii::t("amostranslation", "Testo traducibile, la visualizzazione attuale รจ in");' This string will be parsed by the "eval()" function instead of $templateTranslationAltField, by default {altTranslation}
*labelTranslationField - string, default = ' ( - {translation})' This string is the html code that will be used in the labels to represent a translatable field