arter / amos-partnership-profiles
Partnership profiles - plugin
- php: >=5.4.0
- arter/amos-admin: ^2.0
- arter/amos-attachments: ^1.1.11
- arter/amos-community: ^1.5.19
- arter/amos-comuni: ^1.2.8
- arter/amos-core: ^1.9.60
- arter/amos-dashboard: ^1.8.4
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-07 11:40:25 UTC
Plugin to make partnership profiles.
1. The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require arter/amos-partnership-profiles
or add this row
"arter/amos-partnership-profiles": "~1.0"
to the require section of your composer.json
2. Add module to your main config in backend:
'modules' => [
'partnershipprofiles' => [
'class' => 'arter\amos\partnershipprofiles\Module'
3. Apply migrations
php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/arter/amos-partnership-profiles/src/migrations
or add this row to your migrations config in console:
return [
4. Add configuration to tag module. In backend/config/modules-amos.php add configuration like this:
if (isset($modules['tag'])) {
if (isset($modules['partnershipprofiles'])) {
$modules['tag']['modelsEnabled'][] = 'arter\amos\partnershipprofiles\models\PartnershipProfiles';
$modules['tag']['modelsEnabled'][] = 'arter\amos\partnershipprofiles\models\ExpressionsOfInterest';
Then go in the tag manager and configure the roles for the trees you want for this model.
5. Add model of partnership profiles to the report module:
'modules' => [
'report' => [
'class' => 'arter\amos\report\AmosReport',
'modelsEnabled' => [
6. Configure the cwh for the partnership profile model:
Go to the cwh configuration and set the field of the status and the default status. The cwh configuration is at this url: /cwh/configuration/wizard
7. Action to archive the proposal
php yii /partnershipprofiles/partnership-profiles-console/archive-partnership-profiles
Configurable fields
Here the list of configurable fields, properties of module AmosPartnershipProfiles. If some property default is not suitable for your project, you can configure it in module-amos, eg:
'fieldsConfigurations' => [
'required' => [
'tabs' => [
'tab-more-information' => false,
'tab-attachments' => true
'fields' => [
//tab general
'title' => true,
'short_description' => false,
'extended_description' => true,
'advantages_innovative_aspects' => false,
'expected_contribution' => true,
'partnership_profile_date' => true,
'expiration_in_months' => false,
'attrPartnershipProfilesTypesMm' => false,
'other_prospect_desired_collab' => false,
'contact_person' => true,
If you want to modify this fields only for a specific community , you can add it on module-amos:
'fieldsCommunityConfigurations' => [
'communityId-5' => [
'required' => [
'tabs' => [
'tab-more-information' => false,
'tab-attachments' => true
'fields' => [
//tab general
'title' => true,
'short_description' => false,
'extended_description' => true,
'advantages_innovative_aspects' => false,
'expected_contribution' => true,
'partnership_profile_date' => true,
'expiration_in_months' => false,
'attrPartnershipProfilesTypesMm' => false,
'other_prospect_desired_collab' => false,
'contact_person' => true,