
Read and write XLIFF files, simple element manipulation

v1.0.10 2020-12-09 17:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 00:54:49 UTC



Helper library for quick read/write memoQ generated XLIFF files. It provides easy access to plain text source/target translation unit segments, with flatten <mrk> post-edit marks (insert and delete) and replaces memoQ internal tags (<bpt>, <ept>, <sub>, <it>, <ph>, <ut>, <hi>) with one char UTF-8 symbols (black circled number 1-10, white circled number 1-20 or circled letter A-F) for simple edit in 3rd application. The tags placeholders are replaced back to oryginal XML tag elements uppon file save.


Run composer to fetch project from bitbucket repository:

$ composer require arteq/xliff

Optionally you can run tests (phpUnit, CS-Fixer, PHPStan):

$ make

Note: code quality tests require PHP 7.x. If you run PHP 5.6 you can use simplified composer_php56.json file instead and only run phpUnit tests:

$ env COMPOSER=composer_php56.json composer install
$ make phpunit

The library itself will run just fine on both PHP 5.x and 7.x.


Read file and show all content

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use ArteQ\CSX\Xliff\Xliff;

	$xliff = new Xliff();

	$fileHeader = $xliff->getFileHeader();
	$transUnits = $xliff->getTransUnits();

	// show top level <file> attributes

	// show <file/header> elements with attributes
	// note: some elements are ignored during read, see: src/FileHeader.php $ignoredHeaderElements

	// show translation units with attributes, tags and plain-text source/target
	foreach ($transUnits as $transUnit)
catch (\Exception $e)
	$error = $e->getMessage();

Create new segment and write to file

$tu = new TransUnit();
$tu->setSegment(['source' => 'Source segment.', 'target' => 'Translated segment.', 'attributes' => ['id' => 1]]);



For more code examples see tests directory.

For simple online parser tool see: