
Package for Voyager BREAD Deployment.

v2.4.0 2021-05-31 01:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:59:36 UTC



This package is a fork of the original Deployment Orchestrator made by DrudgeRajen. All credit to creating this packages goes to them, i have simply fixed a few issues that prevented the package operating on recent versions of Laravel.

Voyager is an awesome admin tool for laravel. With the ability to create fully relational BREAD interfaces, to manage your data.

Voyager has a limitation in the deployment, that would require you to perform all the BREAD setup that you have performed in your local development environment, on the production server.

Voyager Deployment Orchestrator is the package which will listen BREAD Events (Add, Update Delete) and will generate files, so that and BREAD changes made on a local development server can be easily seeded to production.


composer require arrangeMY/voyager-deployment-orchestrator

Then publish the default config and seeder file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="arrangeMY\VoyagerDeploymentOrchestrator\VoyagerDeploymentOrchestratorServiceProvider"

Next, open the config/voyager-deployment-orchestrator.php and add the table names which you require BREAD seeders to be generated for.

return [
    'tables' => [

After Publishing the VoyagerDeploymentOrchestratorSeeder class file, autoload composer so that laravel knows about new seeders.

composer dump-autoload


Voyager Fires Events on Insert, Update, and Delete of BREAD. This package listens for those events and creates respective seeder files.

To run the seeder file:

php artisan db:seed --class=VoyagerDeploymentOrchestratorSeeder

Generating seeder files for tables

VDO also provides an artisan command to generate the seed file for table. In order to generate the seeder file for tables,

php artisan vdo:generate table-name1

It also supports the generation for multiple tables.

php artisan vdo:generate table-name1,table-name2,table-name3

VDO seed generator command will keep the generated seed files inside /database/seeders with prefix TableSeeder

Note: VDO seed generator will not add the seeder file in VoyagerDeploymentOrchestratorSeeder.php class automatically, because this class in only used for BREAD seeders not the tables seeder. If you want to run all the vdo generated seeder at once, please add those in DatabaseSeeder.php class.


Run phpcs linter to check for any error that may happen during PR.

composer lint

Fix errors reported by CI during Pull request.

composer fix