armezit / getcandy-virtual-inventory
GetCandy v2 E-Commerce Virtual Inventory Addon
2022-04-14 21:12 UTC
composer require armezit/getcandy-virtual-inventory
Add service provider
Add service provider to your project config file app.php
// ... 'providers' => [ // ... Armezit\GetCandy\VirtualInventory\VirtualInventoryServiceProvider::class, ],
NOTE: This package adds it`s menu items into sidebar menu of the GetCandy Hub. But there is no way to add menu item in a specific position of the sidebar menu, yet. So, I decided to disable service discovery and add it manually to let control the positioning issue.
Execute Database Seeder
php artisan db:seed --class="Armezit\GetCandy\VirtualInventory\Seeders\Install"
This would create a Virtual Inventory
product attribute group, and two
attribute Has Virtual Inventory
(Toggle field type) and
Virtual Inventory Attributes
(List field type).
(Optional) Publish resources
publish config file
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=getcandy:virtual-inventory:config
publish language files
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=getcandy:virtual-inventory:lang
- Assign all attributes of the
Virtual Inventory
attribute group to the product type of your choice. - on editing product, toggle on
Has Virtual Inventory
attribute. - Create attributes of virtual inventory items,
by creating attributes in
Virtual Inventory Attributes
list. - Define virtual inventory data in GetCandy Hub.
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.