
Front-end efficient Laravel translations

1.0.0 2020-12-26 15:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 20:06:21 UTC


About simple-translate

Simple translate is a package that allows to use the Laravel translations on your vue components easily and efficiently. This package creates a bundle of translations in json format with just the ones used for each of the components, only the required information is passed to the view. It's as easy as calling the translations from your vue componens using {{$attrs.__('<translation_key>')}} running the php artisan translate:bundle command that will automatically find and create the translation files and then adding the @bundle(<your component>) directive on your vue component.


composer require aridez/simple-translate

Basic usage

The first step is to go to the Vue components where you want to add translations and call the $attrs.__('<message>') everywhere where you want the translations to show up:

    <div class="container">
        <div class="row justify-content-center">
            <div class="col-md-8">
                <div class="card">
                    <div class="card-header">{{$attrs.__('welcome.title')}}</div>

                    <div class="card-body">

    export default {
        mounted() {
            console.log(this.$attrs.__("I'm being translated!"))

Once the translations are configured its time to update the bundles:

php artisan translate:bundle

And finally, call the @bundle(<name>) directive, note that the <name> parameter is the name of the Vue component file without the extension:

<example-component @bundle('ExampleComponent')></example-component>

That's it! The bundles will be stored on a new resources\simple-translate\bundles folder in case you want to check them out, and remember to run the php artisan translate:bundle when you update them.

Auto merging

Sometimes a project may have more than one Vue component sharing the same file name. In those cases the translations for both files are merged and bundled together. It is better to avoid this whenever it is possible in order to keep the data sent to the client at a minimum.

Customizing the bundles

There's a few instances where its useful to be able to customize what translations a bundle contains or to create a custom translation bundle from scratch. These bundles can be configures at the resources\simple-translate\custom-bundles.json file. It contains an array that can be filled with the following structure:

        "name": "CustomBundle",
        "bundles": ["Component1", "Component2"],
        "keys": ["Key1", "Key2"]
  • name: Defines the name of the bundle, make sure it's unique
  • bundles: Defines an array of existing bundle names, all of their translations will be merged
  • keys: Defines an array of translations keys, these will be merged inside the custom bundle too

Child components

To make translations available for a parent and all of its child components, the first thing to do is to create a new custom bundle on the resources\simple-translate\custom-bundles.json file. Create a new element in the array and setting a unique name and define the bundles of the parent and child components:

        "name": "CustomComponent",
        "bundles": ["ParentComponent", "ChildComponent"],
        "keys": []

Once defined, create the bundles with php artisan translate:bundle and use them on the parent component with the @bundle directive specified above:

<parent-component @bundle(CustomComponent)></parent-component>

To make all of these available for the chlid component you need to pass down the the attributes by binding them:

<child-component v-bind="$attrs"></child-component>

That's it! Now the function and the translations will be available from the child component too!

Adding additional translations

In case you are dynamically generating the translations to be used, you can add additional translations from your files in a custom bundle as follows:

        "name": "CustomComponent",
        "bundles": ["ExampleComponent"],
        "keys": ["auth.throttle"]

That way the auth.throttle tranlsation together with all the ones found inside ExampleComponent.vue will be merged together under the new CustomComponent.


If you are looking to extend or improve the functionality of simple-translate your contribution is welcome!

To set up this package for development clone this folder into a packages\aridez in the root of your Laravel application where you plan to test the new functionality. To import this package locally define a custom repository in your composer.json file:

    "repositories": [
          "type": "path",
          "url": "./packages/aridez/simple-translate"

You can now require your local package in the Laravel application using your chosen namespace of the package:

composer require aridez/simple-translate

You can find more information about setting up this package for development on

Once your code is merged, it is available for free to everybody under the MIT License. Publishing your Pull Request on the simple-translate GitHub repository means that you agree with this license for your contribution.


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