
This bundle gives you the possibility to import,export and drop database table(s) by extending the doctrine-dbal-schema bundle introduced in v2.5

v0.1 2019-10-30 21:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:14 UTC


This bundle comes with several commands to export, import and drop database table(s) using schema files during or after site development. It allows you also to add data to your tables

Basically, you can use DoctrineMigrationsBundle or KaliopMigrationBundle to achieve database migration but this bundle uses the doctrine-dbal-schema bundle(used only during eZ Platform installation) and coming with ezplatform v2.5. It uses the same concept and classes to migrate custom schema either using mysql or postgresql databases.


eZPlatform 2.5+ (Open Source or EE), PHP 7+


composer require arfaram/ezdatabasemigrationschema:^0.1
  • Activate the Bundle in AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new EzPlatform\DatabaseSchemaMigrationBundle\EzPlatformDatabaseSchemaMigrationBundle(),


Export Schema

php bin/console db_schema_migration:schema:export


  • -t, --table[=TABLE] : The table name to be exported. It will create an export file using the same table name and current timestamp e.g ezcobj_state_1572446173.yaml
  • all: (default) If you don't specify explicitly the table name then it will export the entire db schema in db_schema_<timestamp>>.yaml

Note: You can specify the export folder path in parameters.yml otherwise it will create the dump files in your installation root folder:


    database_schema_migration.export.schema.folder.path: '%kernel.root_dir%/../var/schemaexport/'

Note: Using eZPlatform Cloud you should mount the export path folder in

Import Schema

php bin/console db_schema_migration:schema:import

This command imports custom schema definition and you have to add the schema file path in parameters.yml


    database_schema_migration.schema.file.path: '%kernel.root_dir%/../<Schema-file-path>'

You can find a schema example in bundle/doc/schema.yml or the legacy ezplatform schema.yaml

Import Data

Sometimes you want also to import data to an existing database table. This is also possible using below command:

php bin/console db_schema_migration:data:import

You have to add your sql file path in parameters.yml


parameters: '%kernel.root_dir%/../<mysql-or-postgresql-file-path>'

You can find an sql file example in bundle/doc/mysql/data.sql or just check more ezplatform mysql or postgresql clean data installation example.

Drop table(s) using schema file

php bin/console db_schema_migration:schema:drop

This command removes table(s) using an existing schema file.You have to add the file path in parameters.yml


    database_schema_migration.schema.file.path: '%kernel.root_dir%/../<Schema-file-path>'

Drop table(s) using table name

php bin/console db_schema_migration:table:drop <Table-Name>

This command is using doctrine schema manager to drop db table.

How it works:


The Installer.php class extends the CoreInstaller (used only during eZ Platform installation) but its constructor becomes a custom SchemaBuilder. It has the same structure like the EzSystems\DoctrineSchema\Builder\SchemaBuilder introduced in the doctrine-dbal-schema bundle.

The EventsSubscriber BuildSchemaSubscriber class will load the schema using the importSchemaFromFile() method defined in the SchemaBuilder.

You can also add a custom Subscriber which contains your custom schema. See the example in services.yml.

Take into account to use the SchemaBuilderEvents::INSTALLER_BUILD_SCHEMA event name to dispatch your subscriber during execution.


The DbDataInstaller extend the DbBasedInstaller coming with the PlatformInstallerBundle and being used by CoreInstaller.php (used only during eZ Platform installation)

This class hat its own constructor and importData() method which runs your custom queries.