
Array Expression Engine Parser

1.1.2 2019-05-02 02:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 23:02:44 UTC


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This is an array expression parser which can be used to parse values using configuration specified in PHP arrays. These arrays can be loaded from anywhere, like from JSON string, PHP files, etc.

These expressions are used to configure the expression parser engine which runs a value through the rules defined in the array expression to return a result.


Run composer require arekx/array-expression-engine in your project.


$isAStark = [
        ['compare', ['get', 'first'], 'in', ['value', ['Arya', 'Sansa']]],
        ['compare', ['get', 'last'], '=', ['value', 'Stark']],
    ['regex', ['get', 'emblem'], '/stark/i']

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$values = [
    ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Snow', 'emblem' => 'stark'],
    ['first' => 'Arya', 'last' => 'Stark', 'emblem' => 'stark'],
    ['first' => 'Sansa', 'last' => 'Stark', 'emblem' => 'stark'],
    ['first' => 'Joffrey', 'last' => 'Lannister', 'emblem' => 'lannister']

foreach ($values as $value) {
    var_dump($evaluator->run($isAStark, $value));

// Output: bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(false)



Following operators are available:

AND Operator

AND operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\AndOperator class and is used to represent AND operation between two or more expressions, those expressions can by any other operator including AND operator.


$nameMustBeTestAndAgeAbove2 = ['and', ['compare', ['get', 'name'], ['value', 'test']], ['compare', ['get', 'age'], '>', ['value', 2]]];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($nameMustBeTestAndAgeAbove2, ['name' => 'test', 'age' => 1]); // returns false
OR Operator

OR operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\OrOperator class and is used to represent OR operation between two or more expressions, those expressions can by any other operator including OR operator.


$nameMustBeTestOrAgeAbove2 = ['or', ['compare', ['get', 'name'], ['value', 'test']], ['compare', ['get', 'age'], '>', ['value', 2]]];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($nameMustBeTestOrAgeAbove2, ['name' => 'test', 'age' => 1]); // returns true
XOR Operator

XOR operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\XOrOperator class and is used to represent XOR operation between two or more expressions, those expressions can by any other operator including XOR operator.


$nameMustBeTestXOrAgeAbove2 = ['xor', ['compare', ['get', 'name'], ['value', 'test']], ['compare', ['get', 'age'], '>', ['value', 2]]];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($nameMustBeTestXOrAgeAbove2, ['name' => 'test', 'age' => 2]); // returns false
NOT Operator

Not operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\NotOperator class and is used to represent NOT operation or the inversion of the expression passed to it.


$expression = ['not', ['or', ['compare', ['get', 'name'], ['value', 'test']], ['compare', ['get', 'age'], '>', ['value', 2]]]];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['name' => 'test', 'age' => 5]); // returns false
BETWEEN Operator

Between operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\BetweenOperator class and is used to check if a value is between minimum and maximum value.


$expression = ['between', ['get', 'age'], ['value', 1], ['value', 20]]; // Check if age is >= 1 and <= 20

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['age' => 5]); // returns true
COMPARE Operator

Comparison operator for comparing two expressions. It is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\CompareOperator.

Comparison operator accepts multiple formats:

Short format

['compare', <expressionA>, <expressionB>]

Checks if <expressionA> equals (strict) to <expressionB>

Relation format

['compare', <expressionA>, '>=', <expressionB>]

Checks if <expressionB> is greater or equal to <expressionB> and returns true/false

Supported relation operators:

  • > - Greater than
  • >= - Greater than or equal
  • < - Less than
  • <= - Less than or equal
  • <> - Not equal
  • in - Is one of the values. Example ['compare', <expressionA>, ['value', [1,2,10]]] checks if <expressionA> is 1, 2 or 10.


$expression = ['compare', ['get', 'name'], ['value', 'test']];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['name' => 'test', 'age' => 5]); // returns true
REGEX Operator

REGEX operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\RegexOperator class and is used to check if a value matches a specific regex pattern.

Regex operator accepts multiple formats:

String format

['regex', <expression>, '/pattern/']

Checks if <expression> matches specific pattern. Return value from <expression> must be a string.

Expression format

['regex', <expression>, <expressionFormat>]

Checks if <expression> matches specific pattern defined by <expressionFormat>.

Return value from <expression> must be a string.

Return value from <expressionFormat> must be a string.


$expression = ['regex', ['get', 'name'], '/o/i'];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['name' => 'John']); // returns true
Value Operator

Value operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\ValueOperator class and is used to return a static value.


$expression = ['value', 50];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['name' => 'John']); // returns 50
Get Operator

Get operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\GetOperator class and is used to return a value from a key.


$expression = ['get', 'name'];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['name' => 'John']); // returns 'John'
Concat Operator

Concat operator is defined in ArekX\ArrayExpression\Operators\ConcatOperator class and is used to concatenate two or more strings. It requires evaluation results to be strings.


$expression = ['concat', ['get', 'first'], ['value', ' '], ['get', 'last']];

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();

$evaluator->run($expression, ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Snow']); // returns 'John Snow'

Custom operators

You can create your own custom operator manually by implementing Operator interface and adding that operator to ExpressionParser of your Evaluator.

We will implement a custom operator which transforms all instances of a word cat into dog.

Operator definition we want to implement is: ['dog', <expression>]

First we implement an Operator class

use ArekX\ArrayExpression\Interfaces\ExpressionParser;
use ArekX\ArrayExpression\Interfaces\Operator;
use ArekX\ArrayExpression\Interfaces\ValueParser;

class DogOperator implements Operator
    /** @var ExpressionParser */
    public $parser;

    /** @var string */
    public $name;

    /** @var Operator */
    public $subExpression;

    public function configure(array $config)
        $this->name = $config[0];
        $this->assertIsExpression($config[1]); // Assert that the value is an expression.
        $this->subExpression = $this->parser->parse($config[1]);

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setParser(ExpressionParser $parser)
        $this->parser = $parser;

    public function evaluate(ValueParser $value)
        return str_ireplace('cat', 'dog', $this->subExpression->evaluate($value));

After creating this class we need to add it to the evaluator's expression parser and we are set:

$evaluator = \ArekX\ArrayExpression\Evaluator::create();
$evaluator->getExpressionParser()->setType('dog', DogOperator::class);

$test = ['dog', ['get', 'sentence']];

$result = $evaluator->run($test, ['sentence' => 'Hello this is cat.']); // Returns: Hello this is dog.


Run composer test to run tests.