
Authorize requests to your Laravel application with API keys

v2.0.4 2020-03-25 14:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 23:36:19 UTC


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Run composer require archerzdip/laravel-api-auth.

Publish the migration files

$ php artisan vendor:publish
# Or...
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ArcherZdip\LaravelApiAuth\Providers\ApiAuthServiceProvider"

Run the migrations

$ php artisan migrate


Generate a new app using php artisan apikey:generate {name}. The name argument is the name of your APP name. All new app are active by default.

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:generate demo-app1
| AppName   | appId            | secret                                                           | CreateAt            |
| demo-app1 | JNzgjqLnp1nLNCBV | G8sfHyguwhB7mGTpdp0LCBEooZPOFnzlqHX8NRCZSG7miWwPRihNw4vsmcSeYChq | 2019-08-16 06:50:08 |

About app opreate, like activate, deactivate, delete, refresh secret.

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:put --help        
  apikey:put [options] [--] <appid>


  -A, --activate        Activate an App by appid
  -F, --deactivate      Deactivate an App by appid
  -D, --delete          Delete an App by appid
  -R, --refresh         refresh an app's secret by appid
  -h, --help            Display this help message

Deactivate app by appid using php artisan apikey:put {appid} -F

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:put eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb -F
Deactivate app succ, name: demo-app2
| AppName   | AppId            | Secret                                                           | Status      | CreateAt            |
| demo-app2 | eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb | CxDWa7uFxgGhshmbgm0HE9bqRbVN1gj0CO47pdwZzXpWhfuebvULfUwmnCPK59ph | deactivated | 2019-08-16 06:59:06 |

Activate app by appid using php artisan apikey:put {appid} -A

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:put eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb -A
Activate app succ, name: demo-app2
| AppName   | AppId            | Secret                                                           | Status | CreateAt            |
| demo-app2 | eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb | CxDWa7uFxgGhshmbgm0HE9bqRbVN1gj0CO47pdwZzXpWhfuebvULfUwmnCPK59ph | active | 2019-08-16 06:59:06 |

Refresh secret by appid using php artisan apikey:put {appid} -R

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:put eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb -R

 Are you sure you want to refresh this app secret, AppId:eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb, name:demo-app2 ? (yes/no) [no]:
 > no 

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:put eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb -R

 Are you sure you want to refresh this app secret, AppId:eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb, name:demo-app2 ? (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

Refresh app secret succ, name: demo-app2
| AppName   | AppId            | Secret                                                           | Status | CreateAt            |
| demo-app2 | eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb | A6oMUTU4XZDExbxVLGdwNdbptdKe6ewNivCloDXsRTYGTQfjCZVqMQUeiq651Zq0 | active | 2019-08-16 06:59:06 |

Delete app by appid using php artisan apikey:put {appid} -D

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:put JNzgjqLnp1nLNCBV -D

 Are you sure you want to delete AppId:JNzgjqLnp1nLNCBV, name:demo-app1 ? (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

Deleted app succ, name: demo-app1

List all app. The -D or --deleted flag includes deleted apps.

☁  demo1  php artisan apikey:list -D
| AppName   | AppId            | Secret                                                           | Status  | CreateAt            |
| demo-app1 | JNzgjqLnp1nLNCBV | G8sfHyguwhB7mGTpdp0LCBEooZPOFnzlqHX8NRCZSG7miWwPRihNw4vsmcSeYChq | deleted | 2019-08-16 06:50:08 |
| demo-app2 | eA4lU1ukEWZkdmAb | A6oMUTU4XZDExbxVLGdwNdbptdKe6ewNivCloDXsRTYGTQfjCZVqMQUeiq651Zq0 | active  | 2019-08-16 06:59:06 |


A new auth.apikey route middleware has been registered for you to use in your routes or controllers. Below are examples on how to use middleware, but for detailed information, check out Middleware in the Laravel Docs.

Route example

Route::get('api/user/1', function () {

Controller example

class UserController extends Controller
     * Instantiate a new controller instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

Authorizing Requests

In order to pass the auth.apikey middleware, requests must include an Authorization header as part of the request, with its value being an active API key.

Authorization: VApUyoTm5I5DtlQAJjJbmCbrdceFsVCb6H3CpsL4SdUlgGdUui8WjxwbcejAfmL7  

or token={token}

Token generate regulation.

sign = sha1(appid . secret . exp) // exp = time()
token = base64_encode(implode('.', [appid, sign, exp])

Event history

Any time an API key is generated, activated, deactivated, or deleted, a record is logged in the api_auth_oprate_event table. Each record contains the following information:

  • app_client_id
  • ip_address
  • event
  • created_at
  • updated_at

API event history

If you open log, all API requests that pass authorization will logger. Support driver database and file. Database infomation:

  • appid
  • ip_address
  • url
  • params
  • type


  • Configuration way of encryption.


MIT license