
A lightweight package for wrapping kontentai PHP SDK

v0.9.56 2023-10-10 12:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 14:06:23 UTC



A simple Wrapper Class to the already existing Delivery Client that is provided by the lovely people at the team.


Developed By Ammar Jlies, Jimmy Jradeh.

Installation Process

You must have a Laravel Application before you can install this package. After installing your laravel application you can run:

composer require aratech/kontentai

or adjust your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "aratech/kontentai": "^0.7.0"

Create a Kontent-ai Client

Creating a Client is simple and easy, start by adding your project key to your .env file, and name it KONTENT_AI_KEY:

KONTENT_AI_KEY = "Put Your Project Key Here"

Now, you can create a Client and assign it to a variable ($app in the example below):

use Aratech\Kontentai;

$app = Kontentai::createClient();

Using our solution for querying

To query an item from your project just use the -> operator:

$result = $app->about_us;

If you want to query multiple items, you can (almost) treat the querying process as if you are doing a query using the Laravel Query Builder Class:

$app->where("name", "article");

Returned type is a Kontentai Object (the same variable $app).

So, you can chain as many methods as you like on the $app client, and when you're done just use the fetch function to fetch the results:

$results = $app->language('es-ES')->where("name", "article")->fetch();

Returned type here is a Laravel collection conatining all the items that are returned from the query.

One Special use case we can do, is using the fetch method without any chained methods behind it:

$results = $app->fetch();

This will return all the items that are available in your project.

You can also use the Methods that are already built in the DeliveryClient provided by Kontent-ai and chain them with our provided methods:

$results = $app->language('es-ES')->where("name", "article")->orderAsc('elements.product_name')->limit(10)->fetch();

By default, the chained methods will be cleared after you call the fetch() method, but, you can also clear them manually by calling the clearQuery() method on the app object:

$results = $app->clearQuery();

IF you want to grab an instance of the default client, you can use the getClient() method:

$client = $app->getClient();

Available Methods

where($key, $value) find($id)

What's the idea behind this class?

The idea is to provide a way to chain methods on top of each other as if you are using the Laravel built-in Query Builder class.