
This is an experiment project to translate contents without modify its tables. It connects localized rows by relation table

dev-master 2019-06-05 07:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 18:42:20 UTC


This is an experimental project far from done

General multilanguage managemenet for Yii 2


This modul tries to give a general multilanguage solution for existing projects.


Via Composer

composer require aranytoth/yii2-general-translate

Or manually add to composer.json

"aranytoth/yii2-general-translate": "dev-master"


Run the following command in Terminal for database migration:

yii migrate --migrationPath=@aranytoth/Yii2GeneralTranslate/migrations


YiiGeneralTranslate registers it's own module to http://your-site/translate. If you want to register manually, set 'createLangModule' => false in your params.php. Default translate module can't be reach in advanced template's frontend.


Current languages can be create/edit at translate/language. You can enable/disable/edit existing languages or create new.

If you like to enable multilanguage on your model:

  1. change your model class extend from \yii\db\ActiveRecord to \aranytoth\Yii2GeneralTranslate\models\LangModel
  2. Place aranytoth\Yii2GeneralTranslate\components\LangWidget::widget(['model' => $model]) widget to create / update form. This enables a buttons with active languages