
Apurata Magento 2 plugin

0.4.1 2024-05-07 12:57 UTC



  • Get the plugin

    Option 1: Using composer, execute in Magento directory:

     composer require apurata/financing:"0.4.*"

    Option 2: Direct Download, place the zip in (Magento dir)/app/code/:

    Link de descarga

  • Upgrade and compile page, to add apurata plugin:

     magento setup:upgrade
     magento setup:di:compile
  • Clean cache page:

     magento cache:clean
  • If the page is in production mode, you must generate the static files again:

     bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Check plugin status:

     magento module:status Apurata_Financing
  • If the status is disable:

     magento module:enable Apurata_Financing --clear-static-content
  • If you have permission problems:

    chmod 777 -R var/ pub/ generated/


  1. On the Admin sidebar, click Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  2. In the panel on the left, choose Sales > Payment Methods > Apurata Financing.
  3. Enter Apurata client ID and Secret token.
  4. Save configuration.

aCuotaz order state

We just use three events to change the order status in the ecommerce:

  • funded: Disbursement made. Change order status to "processing".
  • rejected: Credit assessment denied user. Change order status to "canceled".
  • canceled: Application canceled. Change order status to "canceled".

For the rest of the events we add notes in each order, in the "Comments history" section.