
Modify CakePHP Environment Plugin for adding another datasource.Manage multiple environments in your CakePHP application that differ in database setup, configuration settings (Configure) and custom feature flags.

dev-main 2022-06-13 20:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 08:49:37 UTC


Repository forked from https://github.com/frankfoerster/cakephp-environment

CakePHP 2.x Environment Plugin

Build Status

Manage multiple environments in your CakePHP application that differ in:

  • database setup
  • configuration settings (Configure)
  • custom feature flags


  • PHP 5.3+
  • CakePHP 2.3+

1. What it does

The Environment plugin hooks into your bootstrap process to initialize the database configuration, configuration parameters and additional custom logic for different environments.

An environment is defined and detected either by a set of domains (e.g. www.domain.com, domain.com, domain.net) and optionally by the absolute app path on a server.

2. Install and use the plugin

  1. Clone || download the project || init the project as submodule in /app/Plugin/Environment.
  2. Copy the example configuration files from example/app/Config/Environment to app/Config/Environment
  3. Add the following lines to your app/Config/bootstrap.php

    CakePlugin::load('Environment', array('bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false);
    App::uses('Environments', 'Environment.Lib');
  4. To enable environment specific database configurations copy the database.php file from the example directory to app/Config/database.php OR make sure your existing database.php extends from BaseDatabaseConfig, e.g:

    App::uses('BaseDatabaseConfig', 'Environment.Lib');
    class DATABASE_CONFIG extends BaseDatabaseConfig {
  5. Configuration

The configuration of your environments is managed with multiple files.

  • config.php is the global configuration file that is applied to all detected environments.
  • environment.{name}.php is a single environment file that contains the environment specific $dbSettings and $configure parameters.

Settings defined in an environment configuration file override the global configuration.

6. Defining external datasource

  • In your environment.{name}.php define an entry
 $externalDSConfig = array(
    'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
    'persistent' => false,   
  • Then in Database configuration class add this variable
 class DATABASE_CONFIG extends BaseDatabaseConfig {
  public $externalDataSource = array();

The variable $externalDataSource will take the configuration defined in $externalDSConfig

Doing this you could add a second datasource available for using in the app