
A prime number multiplication table generator

dev-master 2019-06-07 12:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-07 23:49:14 UTC



This is a program that prints out the multiplication table for the first 10 prime numbers.


Using Command-line

Clone or download this git repository and use php index.php to execute the project and show an output.

This project has 3 option settings:

  1. If you use php index.php it will use the default settings to show a table of prime and it's multiples but with n=10.

  2. If you use php index.php <number> and replace the number placeholder with an integer it will take that as the value of n.

  3. If you use php index.php <number> notable it will print just the first n number of primes without multiplication tables.

Using Composer

In your composer-based php project, run the following line from the command prompt:

composer require apsingh/prime-generator

This will automatically include the library into the project and you can now access it by including the respective files in your project.

Sample Output

         2      3      5      7     11     13     17     19     23     29
  2      4      6     10     14     22     26     34     38     46     58
  3      6      9     15     21     33     39     51     57     69     87
  5     10     15     25     35     55     65     85     95    115    145
  7     14     21     35     49     77     91    119    133    161    203
 11     22     33     55     77    121    143    187    209    253    319
 13     26     39     65     91    143    169    221    247    299    377
 17     34     51     85    119    187    221    289    323    391    493
 19     38     57     95    133    209    247    323    361    437    551
 23     46     69    115    161    253    299    391    437    529    667
 29     58     87    145    203    319    377    493    551    667    841